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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. I'd love for Lana to work with Jon Batiste again. The work they did together on Ocean Boulevard is spectacular and I think it'd be really exciting to see what else they can create
  2. I say this thread can burn to the ground this pre-release has been a nightmare for everyone Very excited for the album to be officially released everywhere. I still fully stand by it being my favorite Lana album to date
  3. I wasn't being serious Ofc I know that everyone has different opinions, I'm just kidding around lol. I never said it needs to be everyone's favorite I don't think it needs to be. It's not even my favorite on the album
  4. I said something very cringey and embarrassing to a friend once while How To Disappear was on and to this day I still can't listen to it without remembering that
  5. Excluding Candy Necklace since we haven't heard it yet, here's my current track ranking
  6. I'm currently trying to decide whether I should go or not. It's my spring break and the closest one to me is only an hour away, but I'm honestly not sure about it
  7. I can't say I'm really pro-YTH release, but it would get a lot of streams just based on how many times it's gone viral on TikTok alone However, and this was probably already said but I don't feel like looking through the whole thread, a copyright claim doesn't mean a song is going to get released. There are a lot of unreleased songs that that's been happening with for years at this point
  8. Exactly. Love is just absolutely stunning and by far one of my favorite Lana videos, and Doin' Time is put together and crafted so well. I'd love it if we got a video with a narrative flowing through it like Doin' Time, maybe for Taco Truck
  9. Lana's work with Rich Lee has always been so visually captivating and beautiful. The videos themselves are very fun as well. I'd really love to see them work together for this album
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