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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. I hope we get some more insight on the song after it’s released because I wanna know how Lana even met Nasri in the first place and how Euphoria reached out to her
  2. I have a feeling that the picture for the single cover is just gonna be (kind of Euphoria spoilers below based on what I accidentally read lol)
  3. Honeymoon 100%. But I also think that Norman could've been a really interesting visual album if it was all directed by Rich Lee
  4. I think that lustforlife might have been trying to say that it's from the Honeymoon era because of that weird Salvatore Francesco post?? But I have no idea at this point, for all I know they could've just been saying that to make a reference to the title because they think he's hot or something (and I still don't really take anything they say as reliable, also if I'm completely off here that's totally my bad lol). I'm more so wondering how Lana met this producer in the first place because it seems so random
  5. Probably not because they usually don't do the full song, but if it's not in full, we'll most likely get to hear a pretty decent amount of it in the episode (especially if it really is involving a situation allegedly happening in the third episode).
  6. So besides that one fucking song from a few years ago, the producer of Watercolor Eyes also produced a lot of songs during the early/mid 2010s EDM era and a lot of Bieber for whatever reason. I'm looking forward to seeing out this turns out though, I wasn't expecting a completely new producer honestly.
  7. I think that the best part of when we're getting close to a release is seeing what people name their snippets because some of it is straight up unhinged
  8. I think that at this point insider/leaker culture is to have at least one power trip
  9. As much second hand embarrassment as I get from leaker fights, if they wanna prove themselves as legit, the least they can do is share some stuff Lana's never using (like a certain music video or some certain old songs)
  10. Wait, so is it not water color eyes? These next 9 days are gonna be so rough in terms of info lol
  11. "Throw me 'round like a hot potato / If you want the butter, then say so" is camp excellence
  12. Not necessarily the worst, but the most ??? lyric of Lana's imo is "you're so fresh to death and sick as cancer"
  13. I think these are my favorite Lana eye makeup looks And of course, this one, which is so iconic Looking at all of these got me thinking about what colors the song might reference and how it'll play into Euphoria aesthetically
  14. How did this thread turn into a debate on Young & Beautiful's Oscar eligibility from 7/8 years ago
  15. I can honestly see the song doing really well, especially considering that it's gonna be in one of the biggest TV shows out there right now. I mean, just looking at the streams on some of the songs used on the show compared to other songs on their respective albums can tell you that
  16. Fully agree. I also think that a lot of them tend to share their opinions on the song as though they're facts, which can lead to a lot of unnecessary drama and debates over whether or not an unheard song is good
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