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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Sorry to break it tp you but knowing some basics from mythicism like the Elektra myth - something that is referred to in different art forms all the time- is not some hypersophisticated niche-knowledge. Marina obviously referred it with the album title/ character name and just cause you did not get it up until like 7 years after that has nothing to do with it being obscure knowledge you need a degree for.
  2. Ok but the album/ character name was an OBVIOUS reference to the Electra myth, this is not some obscure niche knowledge needed to understand the concept. I mean, there is hardly any other Electra/Elektra it could refer to, if you exclude the Marvel character (whose name is a reference to the same myth)
  3. Uhm ... not trying to be disrespectful ... but wasn't that the most obcious reference EVER?
  4. Lately? More like ever since Froot was over.
  5. She should talk less about what she wants to do and what she did in thr past and release more music.
  6. Did you just say West Coast, Shades Of Cool and Brooklyn Baby don't have real choruses? I have to laugh
  7. I feel like the title track definitely needed a bridge, even an instrumental bridge like Religion would have done
  8. "The tree has to fall, even if no one’s around." ... wow that's so powerful
  9. Really digging this album. My favourite track so far is probably Newspaper. Songwriting, delivery and percussion are all so on point. I Want You To Love Me is one hell of an overtune. After all this time without even hoping for new music from her, hearing the one-of-a-kind intro with the skipping beats and then the signature-piano before her voice finally kicks in definitly gave me the chills. Shameika is such a classic Fiona track and I guess every fan will love it. It really evokes the vibe her first three records had. Same with Fetch The Bolt Cutters. And Heavy Balloon is an instant-classic-Fiona-Apple-power-anthem. The rest of the album is really good aswell, I love the cynism of Ladies, the misleading ease of Rack of His and Cosmonauts powerful buildup. However, I also have to admit that there are some tracks that aren't that much of my taste. While the chant-structure was executed really well on both On I Go and Drum Set, it's a bit annoying on songs like Under The Table and - especially - Relay. Can't really wrap my head around For Her either. In the end - as expected - this album goes into the same direction The Idler Wheel ... did. Smart, well-written and high quality, yet also the kind of music you need to be in the right mood and place for to listen, as its demanding as much attention as a book to recieve.
  10. God the opening of that album is really fucking me up. It feels so surreal to hear her again
  11. Something about it has a slight Mezzanine-vibe.
  12. I love Mando Diao. So sad that they never recorded a proper collab with Lana.
  13. I don't know ... EYL has cringy lyrics but the "OoOoOw OoOoOW OooOwraaaaange Tree" chants and the tracks production are just obnoxious.
  14. Orange Tree is the worst offender on this record imo.
  15. The only songs I can somehow stand are Karma and Baby.They are basic mainstream pop, but at least they are fun. Emotional Machine is ok, although they lyrics are just a really bad rehash of EH stuff. All of the other tracks are so tryhard-deep and bland that I can't even like them as somethign silly-yet-fun playing in the background.
  16. Not really thard to figute out, is it? Face-close-ups, manic smile ... "Here comes Fiona"
  17. It's cute but listening to it is not worth the effort to get my phone out an press "skip" for L4L, so I just start with 13 Beaches whenever I listen to that album.
  18. Was hoping for something like with Idler Wheel or just for a still from the album announcement trailer witht the dog at the beach. But whatever, Fiona is one of the few artists where I really mostly care about the music and not the visuals.
  19. That's aalmost as hard as chosing the best C-song. White Mustang is a track 3 for me, cause I'm always skipping the abdomination that is Lust For Life aswell as Bored And In Love. Was kind of hard to chose between HBTB and WC, but WC is just too timeless and probably my favourite Lana-song-ever. DMD and BV are excellent aswell. DT is the weakest one here, although it's a hard track,
  20. Burning Desire is on Amazon now too. Yas! Fuck those exclusive-track-deals! It's one of the most memory-charged-tracks from Paradise for me and I was only sad that it was rarely overlooked due to the stupid Itunes exclusiveness. Seems like they renewed the licence-deals for Paradise, as it wasn't on Spotify in multiple european countries for a while now. Nice!
  21. Nah, just not numbed out by the radio. The production is generic and bad
  22. I'm not suprised that someone who genuinely likes L+Fs terrible sound does not get TFJ
  23. What do you mean? The embarassing triple-video that completely destroyed the atmosphere of the songs? Or the uninspired MAC/VB loops? FIILY/TG double video had nice visuals, but was super anticlimatic. Especially the TG part was just empty af. The only good vieo here is DT
  24. Edit: Nevermind, I was looking for the 1974 "Black Christmas" movie
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