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Shellfish beach

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Everything posted by Shellfish beach

  1. serial killer kill kill pale moonlight caught you boy kinda out of luck national anthem (demo ver) this is what makes us girls (demo ver) the man I love backfire cherry blossom ridin'
  2. Each era sounds more watered down than the ones before it BIL isn't bad but it's pretty basic. Ikd why everybody thinks it's so ''StUnNiNgLy BeAuTiFuL''. also even ''Porn is good for the soul'' is better than NMS
  3. really living for this version of primadonna rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIEEa9-ESrE
  4. Ikr there's something so awkward about it I can't imagine there being a title track
  5. I think the way she randomly says ''fuck'' and ''bitch'' in Cherry is the cringiest thing ever and it really drags the song down.
  6. I think we can all admit that it is an awkward line, but y'all are here calling it a bad song. I will not stand for such slander.
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