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About dsvelca

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  • Birthday November 26

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    Washington, DC - USA

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  1. I'll be at happy hour with coworkers at 230 east coast time. Will need to find it later.
  2. She collaged on a song with Max Martin? I'm shook
  3. dsvelca


    Her last show I went to was so good, can't wait to see her in June!
  4. It's more like "she is nothing from presenting her new album. pre order here" - like she's so close it's practically nothing. odd ass Mexican Spanish
  5. this beats last album's phases of the moon theory
  6. Is this album title being mentioned confirmed or just a theory?
  7. While I would love this, I don't see her doing something like this again
  8. dsvelca

    Dua Lipa

    Holy hell. This song is gonna be on repeat for a long time
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