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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. This was released almost three days ago and I think I'll listen to it in ten years and it's power and beauty will remain unmatched. Truly doesnt get heavier than this.
  2. sjatib

    Text Book

    I enjoy the epics of this perspective, yet actually don't see Lana thinking on such analytical terms, hahaha Thanks a lot for the answer!
  3. sjatib

    Text Book

    This was kind of what I intuited from the context, yet wasn't sure. Thank you a lot for the answer! Thunderbird would actually have made for a better title, and the Ford thing would explain it ended up being other thing. Thank you a lot for the answer!
  4. sjatib

    Text Book

    Don't know if this has been discussed already, but I actually can't get what a "text book" has to do with the rest of the lyrics or the song's narrative. Im not a native speaker either, so if it's figurative I don't get it. Anyone who could help with this?
  5. I've always had the feeling that her lyricism was being (self?)restrained in order to fit the genres and industry patterns she was moving within. These last 3 songs showcase -as nothing on her career has, from my point of view- where her songwriting potentials truly lie. I truly, truly hope, that she feels encouraged to keep walking this path. Not that her previous music has been bad (although I was never a huge fan of her lyricism, which made me cringe many times to be honest), but the phase she's starting right now is absolutely the most brilliant she's ever been at.
  6. Definetly some Enchant vibes there <3
  7. Yesterday, while listening to Wildflower Wildfire, I thought that it made me think of another song in some way. Today I noticed it reminded me of Underneath, by Tarja Turunen. If you don't know it, check it, an inmense song:
  8. I think it opens with the same chords Hope does, or very, very similar ones (and ends on a very similar way as Lust for life demo?)
  9. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I guess at the end of the day she's an artist and no artist produces without expecting a feedback, be it whichever it may. With these new songs she's made an inmense step on coming to terms with her own self and her own story by owning them through her music, which happens to be listened by millions of people all over the world. She's already done it, but can't imagine the vertigo she may be feeling after it. The best she can do is to take care of herself. Be calm at home or wherever she may be, enjoy the things that she gains happiness from, and take her time to be vocal about the songs if anytime she feels the need to. And if you are reading this web, we admire you sincerely, Lana. Thanks for the unending beauty.
  10. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I actually think that she's unveiled so much from herself in those songs, and may not feel ready to have to give explanations or to talk about them yet. I absolutely understand her, and think that it makes her inmensely human. Vulnerability is what makes us humans, and Lana is genuinely asuming hers.
  11. Wouldnt go to make an analysis myself yet, but couldnt agree more with you on the storytelling thing. It's as she decided to unleash her writing powers definetly. These three songs have brought the lyricism I've been wanting from her since I listened to her the first time. There's no coming back from here creatively, and I truly couldnt be happier that she has finally decided to bring everything to the table.
  12. I just cant assimilate all of this. Listened once to each of them and Im just overwhelmed. She's ferocious. WW may be already her best song ever. Damn, Lana, damn...
  13. His parlament-t-t-t's on fire, ha-ha-ha-ha!
  14. This is true or I am too tired to catch up the irony?
  15. You're lovely, grateful to have you over here too <3
  16. This truly unblocks a new level on LB posting. Pd: Viagra Darling, composed by Phoebe Buffay
  17. Kinda happens the same to me. Maybe my favourite record by her (top 3 for sure), yet the feeling of distance, the nostalgia and the sense of contemplative resignation are so, so dense, difficult to bear with. Sounds like a goodbye letter for the most of it.
  18. Dont tell me this gif will become usual, please
  19. Welcome, man! You've arrived at one of the historical peaks of the unhinged energy that flows through this web, help yourself!
  20. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Btw, the song is sick. Love it!
  21. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    So "capitalism made us poor, but spiritually". Damn, Marina...
  22. This sounds truly good production-wise, and absolutely mainstream and forgettable too. I had a similar feeling when hearing the Blue Banisters snippet, truly hoping I'm wrong about it.
  23. Hahahahahahahahaha... The way I honestly love her music, and this is so true still
  24. Watch her making an account just to tell you how much of a millionare she is since her 20`s!
  25. So she's releasing three singles simultaneously :/?
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