LFL is definetly so overproduced in some parts and as a whole maybe too, and gets annoying sometimes, but I think that vocally the production was quite well crafted, and fits the (not always well executed) overall opulent aesthetic of the record. I happen to love the singing-through-paper technique, p.example.
NFR fell flat for me in many moments. The way she sounds on HTD, MAC, FIILY, VB or HIADT, p.e, is truly lovely, but other moments as the title track (which I love, anyway), Love Song, CG or HIAB (not to talk about California) make me think about what the fuck they were thinking when recording or mixing the vocals, as the result ended up being quite poor and amateurish and failed to create whatever they were looking for, in my opinion.
(Just realised this got a little out of topic, but the discussion is connected to how the vocal delivery on COTCC i expected to be!)