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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Sorry to say, man (or woman, don't know), but if you think that focusing on a matter that has been killing and excluding people for centuries (racism, which Lana, as any other one, can be accomplice of just by not explicitly manifesting against) makes this a "b*** forum", maybe you should look for other place to spend your time. For as long as I've been here, this isn't a celebrity/gossip place, but a platform on which world problematics are discussed frecuently, and I think that is the best thing that could be said about a forum centered on an artist and artists and art in general.
  2. Had almost forgotten about the effort she put on making us hate her during those times <3
  3. Sorry for the disorientation, but which new era are you talking about? From what I know she hasnt released a studio album since 2012
  4. Yes! That's how I'm receiving it too! If the critics went mad about the sociocultural implications on NFR (both album's and title's), being them as slight as they were, imagine how far the impact of this will go... The title is just damn genius. Only problem now is that I'm developing HUGE expectations and I shoudn't (not cause I think it will be bad, but because I should take it as it comes, with no prejudices -not even good ones-). Dammnn, Lana....
  5. The title has me shocked. Wether it's or not ironic -truly hope she doesn't believe in chemtrails, though-, it's incredibly graphic and evocative. It could work as a poem itself. Wasn't truly expecting her to come with this under her hand. She goes on and on on her brilliancy.
  6. This. Ultraviolence was a gigantic album, an absolute sonic milestone on her career and on last decade(s) music too. Wanting her to do a Ultraviolence 2.0 is wanting her to copy something that's absolutely developed and unique. I don't want a "second Ultraviolence" precisely because that album is absolutely self sufficient, a concluded artistic manifesto. Wanting so hard, the other way, her energically pushing her vision again through her own artistic boundaries -as she did on Ultraviolence-, not staying safe on the territoires she already has conquered.
  7. As I said, she's done some weird things at an experimental level, which I'm not that crazy about either -but as happens to me with many other artists more famous and recognised than her -p.e David Bowie-. She has still absolute masterpieces, and her whole vision artistic is just outstanding and visionary. This song is from her second studio album and is just incredible. Kind of reminds me the sonical vibe that Lana herself has tried to evoque with tracks as Bartender. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8sJ5MBxOJw
  8. Not truly into the gossip, but into her music. And yes, artistically, smart and brilliant. Dont know if you have already, if not, go and check her lyrics and poetry. She is genius. And has incredibly beautiful music also, even if she's been so experimental and it hasnt always payed off.
  9. Each thing she does makes less sense than the last one. By the way, the title sounds so much as Emilie Autumn's narrative. I wonder if she knows her and her work, always thought it would be a dream if Lana adhered to some radical feminist and artistic vision as Emilie's.
  10. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    An account on Instagram (Honeymouns) is promoting a listening party to take it to nº1.
  11. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Maybe she'd get less stressed if she was tested less...
  12. Remembering what she said about physical copies needing 90 days to be done. She has announced the album with approximately that anticipation, so maybe it has a chance not to be clownery and ending up being released on september 5th. Also is funny how with NFR she unveiled almost all songs and album details (title,concept, etc.) but made fans go through hell before giving a release date; now she's apparently doing the opposite, with the improvement that even if she doesn't open up about the album again before releasing it, 90 days will be nothing compared to the whole year we were waiting for NFR to be released.
  13. sjatib

    Twitter Updates

    "You don't know the half of the shit that you've put me through"
  14. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Was just thinking about this. When, having almost 10M followers on Twitter, and being one of the most influential artists on the world, you use your voice just to despise your mother, things at a familiar level must be terribly, so, so fucked up. I remember when all the stuff happened with Ann Powers and she said something about her implying that she had been victim of child abuse -something none of us could read on that interview, apparently-. Truly sad for whatever may have happened there, whatever it was.
  15. Thinking lately about how this record will be thought of as an historical moment defining one. Even if the political ruminations on it aren't as deep or analytical as some of the critics have made them look like, it actually depicts a quite subjective yet intuitive way to look at the world at a certain moment. The feeling of tiredness that goes all over the album, the constant references to the archetypical EEUU motifs and how they are blurred and increasingly distant; the sketchy, unfinished and somehow confusion-inducing aesthetics, the feeling of rupture with all what was once identity-defining, the Lana del Rey discourses going through crisis themselves... All of this just preceeded the most disruptive historical circumstances that the world -and EEUU in an extremely severe way- has gone through in nearly a century, and that just have happened to begin. When people, in 50 years -if there's still a world that will be able to retrospect- looks back to what was happening just before all the pandemia and it's yet incalculable consequences, NFR will stand there as an artistic manifesto of a prophetic quality, an absolute zeitgeisty body of work. And the most amazing part is that Lana wasn't even planning to write it, and truly seemed to gave zero fucks about how it would be received or what kind of impact it would have.
  16. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    The posts she's done today are cringy as hell, yet it reminds me about the very similar ones she did prior to announcing NFR relevant info (remember those esoteric weird books and stuff she posted, also related to "intuitive therapy"?). Maybe she's up to behaving on the next days like a reasonable artist for the first and last time on the year... Or maybe -most possibly- not, dont know.
  17. What is this supossed to be? Like, "NYC", a song title, an album title? "LG", Lizzie Grant or what?
  18. One of her dreamiest and most beautiful melodies -yet somehow discredited by the production-, and one of her best outros for sure. Always loved it.
  19. Here while finishing a Lana marathon. I played today all of her studio albums -starting with BTD-, and got to the conclusion that NFR is, by far, her most honest, and maybe also her more mature one. I wasn't in love at first with how she sonically did things with the album, but listening to it just after all of her earlier work made me realise how brave she's been putting an absolutely unexpected approach, both instrumentally and vocally, also production wise, and of course lyrically. The heaviest part of all of this it's that she's made an amazing and absolutely rich music career in just 8 years. Thinking about many big artists that haven't reached her level of quality and creativity, her incredibly level of sound distinctiveness even spending full decades in the industry and creating. Imagine what's yet to come regarding her future. Love you, Lana.
  20. Don't know if this performance has been discussed yet here, but... fuck. Even with the loud backing vocals, it's so beautiful that hurts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnQGwArc2M0
  21. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    she's american maaaade...
  22. This seems like a label's move to keep making money from BTD, and would make sense as Lana hasn't said a thing about it. May it help her to release the poetry album and the next music one without problem, at least.
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