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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. Absolutely out of topic, but I needed to ask someone about... RHCP just announced via Instagram that Frusciante is rejoining them as guitarist... Does anybody know if this is a joke or is true?
  2. Let's pretend the critics, as the whole music industry, aren't sale-influenced at all, then. This is getting to the point of parody, truly.
  3. So now, somehow, you feel entitled to choose which lists are or not "relevant". Man, or Interscope is paying you for the hooliganism towards the album, or you truly need to grow some own criterion, and some social abilities too.
  4. Here the only decade-end album list that I've found that includes Honeymoon on it. Curiously, it does also include Paradise, Ultraviolence and Born to die, but NFR isn't on the compilation. https://blog.discogs.com/en/the-200-best-albums-of-the-2010s/
  5. If you are not trolling with this, the explanation for California being "political" better be a long, very documented piece.
  6. I guess that not releasing that thing may be their own way to campaign for the album. I think that it makes logic, not campaigning against it, at least xd
  7. I've been praying for her to cut it since the first time she did it live. Just hoping that it doesn't end being replaced by TNBAR or something even worse.
  8. Maybe she wants to avoid another Israel situation. With Abu Dhabi, the thing would be crazy - and it should be-.
  9. As fucked up as the roll out, release and touring for this album had been, I wanted to highlight this as one of the most beautiful moments on her career: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wDdWIlXC-I Thank you, Lana, for keeping up with the amazing work, even if in your so own and questionable ways <3
  10. This thread is worth existing just because of your post
  11. Man, would it be that hard to accept that MANY of us were dissapointed about the album, and many still are? By the way, don't see how the Grammy Academy (yes, the same institution that seems to think that her most valuable artistic output till today was the Summertime Sadness remix), as well as Anthony Fantano, the Pitchfork crew and all the media echoing them are suddenly the most accurate source of info about the credibility of her work, when they have been thrashing on it relentlessly since her career started. If you love the album, thats absolutely nice and legit. Enjoy it. But, just out of respect for Lana's work itself, don't use the people who has let her down once and again to try to impose your views as the only valid ones.
  12. Just got to imagine which the reactions would have been if Love+Fear received an AOTY nomination... Unrelated, but the thought was problematic enough to post about it.
  13. I will contain myself from doing again a Swan song joke
  14. Yes, that's why he begged for crowdfunding to produce his last album. What kind of thread is this, really...
  15. And he won't work another day This is horrible and such a let down. She's literally letting her voice go to hell. Last thing about her we apparently still could enjoy. No need to say that her professional career is going to hell as well if she doesn't get a solution for it urgently.
  16. I'll listen to the songs you're referring to. But I have to disagree about Nina's cover. On the experience that Honeymoon is, that cover is such a majestic brooch. It always hits me hard. On the other hand, given the introspective songwriter scheme she seems to be going for last times, I'd love the hear her covering Emilie Autumn's early work. "Second Hand Faith" or "Ever" would be a dream on her voice, and they have a sound so similar to Fiona Apple's, which I think she tried to evocate on NFR.
  17. Definetly the Lana we knew from the beggining peaked on Honeymoon. And that's a good thing, I think. She tried to make a collage of her previous sounds on LFL, which ended quite bad. Even on that album it felt like she wasn't comfortable at all replaying the Lana del Rey role, and somehow some of the songs showed that she was already trying to go elsewhere artistically. NFR has a completely different sound than all she did before. Maybe the only song that could fit in her previous trajectory is Doin' Time, which sounds absolutely out of place on the album's context. I think that the album is, in fact, somehow weak on production, composition and even on cohesion (I'm sure if the order of the tracklist had been done more carefully, the final product would be quite more enjoyable), but it's the beggining of an absolutely new direction on Lana's music. I dont want her to do copy-pastes from her previous albums on the next works she does, and I'm willing to hear what she'll bring us. Just hope that this time she takes the production of the album seriously, and that she'll be able to be professional about it, separating that she may be feeling lazy and the fact that there are some standards that relate directly to respecting the listener experience, and that shouldn't be skipped just for the sake of laziness -which is actually what I think that drove NFR to be the technical dissapointment that it is-.
  18. I think she's letting the nose fillers disolve. Let's hope she gets rid of the cheek ones too. Imagine her looking again as she did on 2016-2017 (pre-facedestroying process), not age-wise, I mean, but on face structure terms.
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