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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. Friendly reminder that this Lana once existed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTeeouRAgPc
  2. Calling it the "Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour" while you play 4 songs of that album on a 17 song setlist. I don't get if she thinks anybody hasn't noticed or what.
  3. I'd say between 2016 and 2017. Will never be over about it.
  4. I think that vaping is the smallest concern towards seeing Lana as a "role model". Sure that woman who said that hasn't ever payed attention to any of her lyrics.
  5. It doesn't allow me to post the picture. Go and check Calvin Klein "Summer" fragrance design, sure you'll find it intriguing
  6. Not hating man, but don't actually think that "natural" is the most accurate word regarding her beauty right now xd
  7. Surely. She has to charge batteries before karaokeing again to Born to die, Blue Jeans and Doin' Time.
  8. This picture shows all the crap she's done to herself: cheeks -at this point, I'm beggining to think they are implants and not fillers, I can't find a logic explanation she hasn't removed them other way-, forehead, top nose and bucal area. A full other -horrible- face built against her own. Why, Lana... I remember late 2016 - early 2017, the festivals and stuff, before she started to look this way. And she looked, in my opinion, the most beautiful she has ever looked by those days.
  9. Imagine having 6 studio albums, more than 200 unreleased songs, several soundtrack themes and collabs, yet sticking to the same 15 songs for nearly 4 years now. Imagine opening your NFR tour with the summer-festivals set. Imagine ghosting Ultraviolence, Honeymoon and now also NFR. Fuck. If I've paid for last night's concert, I think that I would be cutting my testicles off in this moment. By the way, what's that throwing peaches thing you are all talking about?
  10. Don't know if this has been already discussed, but here's a video of Lana and Adam Cohen rehearsing, apparently, for NFR tour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaIcLBwb1d4
  11. 6,7 million views in nearly a month since uploaded. The greatest flop of them all.
  12. Felt so similar about this collab since it was announced. It's bizarre. Even if I'm happy that Lana was shown as the leader and not as one of them in terms of role, because that would be so weird. Like a teacher forced to go to play with her 12 year old students at the schoolyard during the playtime. Not saying that Ariana or Miley are 12 year old, they are both adult women who have bravely paved their ways on a very fucked up industry, but I hope the metaphore I tried to do will be understood -they in comparison to Lana, on age and artistic terms, are like students to a teacher, from my point of view-.
  13. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I was really expecting the acoustic EP, but it has ended being as uninteresting as the original album. The songs are just as bland, her voice is so stripped down she sounds almost bored while singing -NMS chorus, wtf...-, the piano on all the songs sounds so similar (so similar to the Too Afraid afraid one, also), the production hasn't any kind of brilliance, the cover art is even worse than the ones Lana has been putting out for her singles last year. Sorry to say this about Marina's last effort, as much as she has truly amazed me as an artist in her previous work, but can't wait for this album moment to finish so she can go and try new things.
  14. Don't know if you all have seen already Barrie's last Instagram post, but, if not, go and check it and have a laugh at the comments xd
  15. She consciously avoided every high note on the song on that livestream, except the last ones -where it would have been too unforgivable even for her fans-, where she failed. Don't know what she's doing.
  16. As you say, that lyric represented the mindset she had when writing the song, and I think it kind of spread all along the album. The kind of tired vibe is there. And fully agree with you that she isn't over, sure she'll come with amazing things under her arm soon.
  17. We were talking about her identity and how being on the cultural industry surely is a huge challenge when it comes to keep a solid vision on one's own creation. Lana herself said to maybe be "burned out after all" on The Greatest, where she discusses herself this topic. The intention was to bring the matter to discussion, cause it's a very interesting one, not to made ethical judgments about Lana or her output. Even if I found this last album less interesting than her previous ones for most of it, I wouldn't say it's worse, cause there's no way to objetctively approach to it, just giving my views on it.
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