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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard

  1. She's really cruisin for a smackdown from thomas edwardo yorke if that's the case I got one for asking if matcha is good, so thank g-d they're pretty permanent what you did counts as asking for a link because everyone knows what 'don't send me a link' means and it got enforced hard when the LQ leak happened, half the people on this thread got a warning point so don't take it personally I guess
  2. Whenever someone asks when it's going to leak / where to find the leaks in here I break out in a sweat after last week Also the sam smith stuff is ridiculous, as takeitdoen said it's just the 'i'm wasted' part that sounds vaguely similar. People are just jumping onto trying to create the next get creep free.
  3. There are services with UK addresses that will ship it to you for an extra cost someone in here should know, if not figuring out what to google shouldn't be too hard
  4. Y'all get merch we don't and UO exclusives, let us have the i love citrus dress
  5. Personally I don't get the appeal of insisting albums are her magnum opus. BTD was her establishing LDR. UV was her working exploring the LDR identity. HM was working through the fame that comes with that identity. LfL was her changing her perception on fame, fans, her place in the world. NFR seems to be her working through more personal things. All of the albums have a distinct sound and personality and overall motivation behind them. I don't think one album will ever be her magnum opus, I think that as a whole they form it. That's why when people start vigorously comparing albums they fall apart- there are weak links in each album. Including NFR.
  6. Ben and Ed had her arrested immediately after the leak. Everyone who has ordered a cassette has also been arrested and will only be freed after the official release. Some say the measures are extreme but they really take the whole 'Lana's management is useless and should actually pay attention so her stuff doesn't get leaked weeks before the release' thing a little personally
  7. I listened to most of the songs once last week, if you haven't heard the snippets / ig posts I'd say keep holding out. Otherwise I'd say now is the best time to listen once and only once because you could pretty much forget them (the details anyway) in the space of a week
  8. I don't get why people place so much values on reviews / the scores of critics. To me they just give an insight to how the general public perceive her. I think it was the billboard article that pointed out it was somewhere between honeymoon and lfl that they started warming to her and started to 'get' her. NFR will get good press, probably even great press, but let's not forget that her metacritic score for LFL is 15 points ahead of her metacritic score for BTD and 3 points ahead of her UV score. I'm glad she's getting well-deserved recognition from an industry that's treated her so poorly for so long but reviews, even good reviews, aren't the be-all and end-all
  9. No offence but a thread about lana's new album on a website called 'lanaboards' isn't where you want to try and convince people that irrelevant goudling is worth talking about
  10. Paying my rent with gud vibes, i don't trust you btches not to sell out the merch before it's even avaliable
  11. Kween of dropping merch that includes a digital copy with every item just after dropping a radio interview and double mv
  12. I really want that scarf as like a wall print, here's to hoping it won't be sold out once my rent is paid
  13. The 'dun dun dunnn' descent after the first chorus in fiily is great
  14. Anti-swearing stans come out on top with this radio edit
  15. She's doing more than that bby Anyway having Greta's thing as a prelude + smthn else before lana del 'LA is in flames' rey is good, actually
  16. I'm gonna keep the radio muted and then pause it when it's 8pm, go watch the video, then unpause to hear the interview afterwards
  17. Goddamn apparently the links for lover are disappearing as soon as they get put up. Lana needs to share more than a producer with Taylor
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