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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard

  1. I forgot how much I love the radio instrumental. I 100% get why people ask for it at live shows. I hope it is where she sampled the cinnamon outro, radio deserves respect after the whole "I can't remember the lyrics" fiasco it still makes me cringe, I get what she's trying to say but the way it's worded is still <:/ to me
  2. I don't know how I feel about the line Like I get what it means but everytime I here it I'm :/
  3. This isn't a verified fact lmao please take your odd grudge against interscope somewhere else
  4. agreed. After relistening to the beats 1 LfL interview I think most of the appeal of working with Jack for her is that he'll bang out a couple of chords, she'll do some beat poet stuff and just write whatever comes to her head, they'll mess around for a bit while sharing a blunt and then boom, you have a song (with a few exceptions like hope, which is why it stands out lyrically, and bartender / tnbar which weren't produced by Jackoff). Rick seemed a bit more serious in terms of songwriting and truly perfecting it, and Dan seemed to challenge her and at times disagree with her, and while that wouldn't be as fun in the creation process it definitely makes for better music imo. papa nowels wouldn't have that classic lfa tapping. It's fine that she's into Jack at the moment though. She seems to be in a place where that is the type of creative energy she wants. I just hope in the future she goes back to wanting more of a creative challenge, but I doubt it.
  5. https://www.redbubble.com/people/tanzelt/works/10159310-blue-pikmin?body_color=white&p=classic-tee&print_location=front&size=medium&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=g.pla+notset&country_code=GB&gclid=CjwKCAjwqZPrBRBnEiwAmNJsNldSYGVccb8UZLrmLfVM8W2Jh-alvk9QSloQXAxeF2Vi9N05aq7xLhoCkpIQAvD_BwE holy shit Anyway
  6. One again Valerie comes out of its cave whenever there's an argument but never to express their opinion outside of it ugly way to post ngl
  7. Lana baby welcome to the party, pick up the phone and get this shit off
  8. nothing dw I didn't listen to the lq version completely unrelated but for anyone looking to ignore a certain nasty blue turnip, you can do that by going to my settings, then to 'ignore preferences' on the side. Worked great for me! and yes they are 100% a troll, they were arguing with everyone who had a criticism of Lana telling them to shut up until recently, now they're trying to drag everyone that has something positive to say. We know they switch!
  9. Ugh well ladies and gays I'm putting the hot water and the oven on so I can eat before the interview begins maybe listen and donate to philosophytube's 24 hr shakespeare twitch stream while I wait. Also want to apologize to the bartender stans who have suffered- the change to the chorus / pre-chorus / "so I bought me a truck" part made my heart drop. Someone start an argument and get this to 4000!
  10. it's the people that ask for links that get the warning points, actually.
  11. Mods can read DMs sis, idk why you're calling people bitches because they're not getting a point for your name-calling self lol
  12. So... who leaked it? Not asking as in where is it, but who's responsible lol.
  13. Ms Del Rey has long grown out of the whole "i'm a murderous little girl uwu" shtick sorry
  14. Just going to put this for someone about to post looking for a link or giving a link: that will get you banned or a warning point. don't.
  15. ngl i'm a bit at mods being able to talk openly about wanting leaks when there was a massacre of bans a few weeks back lol
  16. Oh god this is so sad I'm glad she posted that. I always thought the third verse of hope was cryptic. Knowing it's about that makes the whole song so much sadder and real editing to add that I hope the person that went on and on about how 'ugly' and 'deformed' she looks in the cover reads this and reflects on themselves
  17. I looooooooove when people resurrect dead arguments on here that they weren't even involved in lmao like yas get us to 4000 before the 30th incroyable that the hq hasn't leaked yet
  18. $50???? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm holy shit
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