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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard

  1. Gods and monsters is has only been taken off because of licensing issues in certain countries, and cola's been retired because it referenced Weinstein and I think she felt like she needed to say something about it. If that person met her and if she spoke negatively about her work to some stranger in a store I doubt it would be more serious than 'oh, it's not my favourite.'
  2. No offence to that person but I really can't see her saying she hates paradise. Unless they've heavily messed with the wording I highly doubt that happened. People might not like paradise due to personal taste but we got the ride video and tropico- even if she doesn't like it that much anymore, I don't see her saying that she hates it to some stranger lmao. Not to double post but I feel like the person that wrote it just doesn't like paradise and will use that 'conversation' as weird made-up leverage in debates about the album.
  3. Well unless some environmental legislation gets passed I doubt there'll be one, we'll all be dead by 2050. In all seriousness though I feel like if it does get released there... might not be much to talk about, compared to the UV and HM records. I feel like it'd be closer to the LFL post-release, debating whether songs are good or bad rather than deeper meanings and storytelling.
  4. This era really makes me miss the honeymoon era. Even the LFL era. This doesn't even feel like an era, it feels like she's trying to emulate what she thinks an era should be the rare times she posts. Just a mess.
  5. It would be low-key amazing if she just dropped it with no heads-up or anything. Really make it a casual thing. One day it's something you vaguely know through snippets, the next it's something you know entirely. but the girl is scrapped we been knew
  6. I can't stop listening to swan song. It's just so beautiful, lyrically and sonically. Makes me want someone to love, someone who you can just say f*ck it and leave everything that makes sense behind.
  7. Same. I didn't really enjoy her poetry but I thought it would be a cool thing to have as a fan. Now I just don't care though.
  8. idk I feel like a friend that is a mother and a Mom Friend are two different things, you know? Life doesn't stop when you have kids but some people take on the role of Suburban Mom and make it their whole life, if that makes sense. Her current crowd these days feel like they're wannabe real housemoms of beverly hills, if that makes sense.
  9. My personal take is that lies come easily to her. We know she had a pretty lonely childhood, and that leaves lasting effects. The whole 'chameleon soul' aspect of her is probably where a lot of it comes from. I feel like she thought about what life could be like if she grew up poor with her grandmother in Alabama, or had a 'las vegas past' and tries to incorporate a lot of that stuff into her personality. It's like when you see someone from your childhood who grew up going to church every weekend and getting good grades has suddenly become a goth since going to university, if that makes sense. A lot of people do it, especially artists, but idk. Take a writer like Donna Tartt- she forged a kind of mysterious personality in college that she's kept since then. How she presents herself to the public won't be how she is in real life, but there's a line. She doesn't flat-out lie about her past. That's where my issue lies with her. Lying about your past to make it sound like you've had it harder than you really did is pretty gross considering she's lying about growing up poor, or being poor at some point, because at the end of the day she's profiting off that costume, and she can take that costume off when she has no need for it. It's one thing to make something like Tropico or Ride, which are pieces of art with a story that I doubt anyone takes as fact. It's another to outright lie to people though. Idk. My thoughts are kind of all over the place. Maybe that's why she gets on so well with Leto. Both take method acting too far.
  10. The vinyl will be red, like blood of angry men, comrades
  11. The difference between homophobes and 'heterophobes' is that one group has political power over another. Violent hate crimes, such as the lesbian couple being beaten up in the U.K. Hillsong and churches like that might not be burning pride flags and openly using slurs westboro style, but that shouldn't be where we draw the line. Quietly tolerating subtle forms of homophobia leads to violent backlashes against any progress made, something which is found over and over again throughout history. Let grandma call gay people f*gs in private and one day she'll slip up and say it in public. Let cooky fringe politicians rant about the evils of abortion and in a few years you'll have the situation in Alabama, and Roe v. Wade being contested, maybe even overturned. Say nothing as celebrity churches give nothingy statements on whether they think gay people are going to hell or not, don't be surprised when it comes out in a few year's time that they've been funding those cooky fringe politicians. I've said it before and I'll say it again. As a member of the LGBT community, I'm not accepting quiet hatred, and I'm not only viewing outright physical violence as the only valid form of oppression.
  12. My point was there's a big difference between going to a church you've been raised in and might find comfort in the routine and familiarity, and attending a specific church sect different from what you were raised in, like churchome / hillsong. That link doesn't say anything about conversion therapy. It's just wishy washy 'we love everyone!' bull that reeks of 'hate the sin and not the sinner,' and that's really not concrete or enough for me to shrug it off. The catholic church are making a woman who had an abortion into a saint. Do you think that makes them pro-abortion? Or, more likely, do they still see abortion as evil but see a chance to gain some progressive points by canonizing someone who confessed it as a sin? It's a similar thing here. This is how people end up being dragged into these culty messes. Afford them nothing and read between the lines.
  13. I can't tell whether you're unironically telling the LGBT people here to be alright with someone vaguely disliking their sexuality or not. This is a bit more serious than someone being jokingly hyperbolic over songs...
  14. Going to a traditional church as in religion and not believing every word of it =/= going to a specific church as in building which has homophobia as one of its core beliefs... yikes.
  15. The cancers I know are flaky as hell too, though that might just be them
  16. If it takes years for the honeymoon sessions to leak I might just have to try and scrape up the ashes of my stan card and set out to find them at this rate
  17. Not specifically known but I am desperate for the honeymoon sessions. Radiohead had a massive leak of sessions that are over 20 years old a few days ago, so there's always hope, but I need them. And yosemite so I can stop wondering whether it'll be good. Plus maybe a studio version of roses bloom for you
  18. We're in the watergate year. Pray to the gods of coincidences that something BIG leaks today
  19. Don't have a link but the OK Computer minidiscs
  20. This week has been crazy for leaks. Not just lana either. I don't think we'll hear anything about NFR until mayyyyybe mid-july? And that's acknowledgement. Idk. Just a gut feeling. I feel like she might post a snippet of something that might look like a mv relatively soon but not formally acknowledge it until then.
  21. She can go to a non-homophobic church if she wants self-improvement lmao. Anyway stream the dreamgirl leak.
  22. I've had 'friends' that I found out were disgustingly homophobic that knew I'm bi, that would listen and nod when I talked about girls, that thought having a token LBGT friend made their vile views acceptable. It's called moral licensing. And yes, joining a homophobic church and giving money to them, or holding the view of 'hate the sin, not the sinner' is pretty homophobic, even if she isn't at westboro levels yet. I'm not looking for every opportunity to drag her down. I'm allowed to be disappointed and angry that she's openly aligning herself with churches that hold these views, no matter her own personal views, and given that one of her current friends posted that picture in that hotel and then deleted the comments reminding her of the boycott, I'm not too optimistic about her personal views tbh. I'm not here for this 'let celebrities live their life without judgement' shtick when their lives involve waving away human rights lmao.
  23. When has she proved it? When has she proved it in like, the past five years? Or since the first hillsong sighting? And even if she isn't explicitly god-hates-homos homophobic, she's still giving money to people who are, so catch me burning my stan card and pretending her career stopped with swan song.
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