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Nick Del Rey

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Everything posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. I think it's called an interlude because its some kind of rework/ reprise of starboy, I dont think it'll be spoken word
  2. I feel like tracks like burnt norton are a waste when we could have one more song that we can actually listen to, it feels like a filler to me.
  3. I just discovered her today and Human, Backseat Love, Taste, Marilyn monroe, The Other Girl, Men of Glass, and Sirens of the Caspian are my favorites, she's SO god wow.
  4. https://clyp.it/rvyhk5yj/widget im shook!! her background vocals in the end
  5. The Birds Pt. 1 on Trillogy was an interlude and it was a 3:34 minute song
  6. omg i love animal crossing new leaf
  7. I respect all of your political views, I personally voted for Hillary because I'd like to see more democrats appointed into office. I don't think every single Trump supporter is blatantly racist, even though a lot of his views are. It's a hard choice, I can see qualities to like and dislike in each candidate. For me Trump's cons outweighed his pros. Try to respect each other's different views, don't be so quick to attack! #ImWithHer
  8. I honestly don't think anyone has an accurate idea of when anything is happening
  9. I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about people saying that before. I'm just saying if you dont believe him then why are you even entertaining him
  10. If you don't believe eclipse then leave, why are you even reading what he's saying? Eclipse has proven time and time again that he's trust worthy. and the thought that he's a music executive is just fucking stupid lmao, if you seriously believe that then you haven't been here long enough to have accurate judgement on him.
  11. i just got that financial aid refund i am ready for the super double lp picture disc deluxe box set queen
  12. yall really gonna start fighting again about what number album this is
  13. James will seriously bring a lot of attention to her single though if he is in the video, it would be iconic.
  14. https://twitter.com/danny0387/status/794414376203657216 https://twitter.com/danny0387/status/794414668378873856 This guy replied to me and said he was at the Q&A too and James really said that Lana asked him to be in the video :')
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