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Everything posted by wittycatchphrase

  1. I think Bartender is slowly but surely becoming the standout track for me, as much as I love MAC, Cinnamon Girl, NFR, VB, and The Greatest. It just really surprised me, the piano parts seep into my brain and I woke up with the pre-chorus piano bit in my head, so lovely and earnest. And those vocals. The whole thing is just really timeless and classic to me. I think it will become one of my absolute favorite LDR songs.
  2. K guys so I'm still processing but I have some thoughts I just wanna chime in with. I was shaken to my core the first few listens but I think I've calmed down enough so it's not just the excitement talking. I was NOT READY for the entire final 1:30 of Cinnamon Girl. Like, I cannot handle it, it could have gone so wrong but it was just enough. Those swelling string synth shits try to pull teardrops from my eyes, and one of these days it'll happen. Oh OK those drums in California that kick in right at the front around the 2nd verse (is that when?) shot me in the chest. LOL I avoided most commentary on the pre-release thread but knew that everyone hated How To Disappear. I'd never heard even the live performance of it so I went in totally blind. Once I heard the chorus I was like "OMG, this is the one everyone hates???" It's cheap and reductive at times but also so cheeky and a bit clever, it made me laugh. And ok this is lame, but I love Bartender especially because it makes me feel seen. I'm a recovering alcoholic who quit drinking almost 4 years ago, and even though I don't miss drinking, I miss the camaraderie I used to have at bars. And whenever I'm out with others, I get Coke with cherry syrup to drink. So like obviously the lines "Baby remember? I'm not drinking wine... but the cherry Coke you serve is fine," really got me. My girl gets it. <3
  3. Pray for me: I gotta admit tonight/tomorrow's gonna be a ride, I haven't watched either music video, have avoided leaks and not read much of this thread over the past few days, I am not sure if in a few hours I'm gonna be ready for it....ready for it...ready for it.
  4. Y'all at least got to respect that LFL gave us Heroin. HEROIN. One of her top 5 tracks. And like the whole album was originally going to be a whole bunch of Heroins, but she got talked out of it or whatever.
  5. there's leaks you'd like to listen to but please just let me live and if you buy it without leaking me you'll be the first who ever did
  6. I learned my lesson with that white LFL windbreaker currently gathering dust in my closet so I ain't falling for it this time, but I did get the scarf because I'm a total scarf whore, and the album cover t-shirt because I'm a slave. Our queen's power
  7. Not sure where to put this, but there's a brief Lana mention in a Paris Review article that came out yesterday called "How To Really Listen to Music" https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2019/08/22/how-to-actually-listen-to-music/ You need a subscription to read the whole thing but here's the Lana part: ------------------- During my hour-long commute home from work, when I’m too tired to even listen to podcasts, I listen to music. More often than might be healthy, I listen to Lana Del Rey, as she cycles through her doomy refrains about how her life is over, she’s filled with poison, she’s running like mad to heaven’s door. With their frothy melodrama, Lana’s songs tend to match my postwork mood so precisely that it doesn’t feel like listening at all. I don’t have to concentrate or pull myself in. I am already there. Listening, for most of us, doesn’t feel like doing anything. It’s more of a sensation than activity, a dreamy, ill-defined feeling stretching through us. We’re often not aware we are doing it, or even fully conscious. We literally—when we forget to shut off the television or our Spotify playlists—do it in our sleep. But sometimes I wonder what would happen if we listened harder, or better, or more rigorously. This might seem exhausting. Am I incapable of relaxing? Probably. But music scholars insist that if we listened to music the way a musician would, understanding how notes trigger feelings, how tones take on their own textures and meanings, then we might experience something more visceral and expansive. We could push deeper into every song. Listening intentionally might seem like a by-product of our obsessive need to optimize. Is listening really a skill we need to hone? But like any other pursuit, such as dancing or oil painting, deeper listening becomes easier, even instinctual over time. It’s a process of immersion. We slowly get closer to the sound. After a few weeks of listening to Lana with a keener, sharper focus, I could listen further, and with more clarity, as if in a higher resolution, without even realizing I was listening at all. ------------------------- Just in a sharing mood
  8. OK, thanks for letting me know! Yeah the author's a bit weird I think...like I thought I remembered hearing he originally decided on a lump sum with CD Projekt Red for the games, and they were like "Don't you want royalties?" or whatever the video game version of that is, and he refused it. Then after the game blew up he tried to sue them even though they offered so many times to give him more rights and money in the first place. Yennefer is the OG. One time I did a playthrough where I didn't romance anyone (just slept with fisstech-taking whores at the Passiflora, etc.) and NOT doing "The Last Wish" quest completely shattered me. I forgot what Yenn's comment was for not helping her but it broke my heart and I felt like the bastard I was.
  9. Anybody still watching this bullshit season??? Nick got the prank power, Christie is gonna be devastated when she finds out how much America hates her guts lol, manifest that
  10. Fellow sober fan here, whuttup? *fist bump* I'm going to DL the digital album at midnight, then get up super early and listen through it while on my usual morning drive. I cannot wait, my car will be filled with heaven.
  11. So I'm still recovering from The Greatest, but in Fuck It every time the "Dream a little dream of me" part comes on, a bright beam from heaven shoots into my brain folds and I can't take it
  12. Emma's character is apparently named Brooke Rumored title of Episode 3: "Slash Dance"
  14. Same. Like I have no problems with Fuck It, I just heart The Greatest so much, it stirs me. I looped it today in my car, switched to Fuck It, then after the first chorus I was like "OK back to The Greatest," no regrets
  15. oh my bad idk, maybe the US store (where I ordered my stuff from) is different
  16. The bottom of the merch order said shipping date October 31st, you get the digital album on August 30th
  17. why yes I pulled over to weep over The Greatest outro and order ugly shit from the store, why do you ask
  18. ok nevermind, it works now so I'm gonna go drive and cry and listen for the first time, I thought my day was gonna just go downhill after that glorious Popeyes chicken sandwich but now it's getting exponentially better BYE
  19. no but really guys why is itunes cockblocking me I need answers
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