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Everything posted by colaandvideogames

  1. Oh my god okay thank you!! I was so worried for a second there!!! Good luck getting tickets bb!!
  2. Wait the tickets are gonna be $400+?! For 1 person?!
  3. 20 minutes!!! I’m guessing we’d have a promo code by now if there was one to be given?
  4. Noticed this yesterday! I also couldn’t find Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight. What could it mean?
  5. this is an amazing idea and I really hope she does this! Set it up Lanita, we’re ready!
  6. The way this thread is kinda dead… maybe it will be easier to snag a ticket for this one
  7. Not my Instagram name making it onto the LanaDelReyInfo Instagram… I’ve officially peaked. Need this show to be announced ASAP. Gonna go scream in my room now. What is life?!?!
  8. YA’LL I- (That’s my Instagram, so not doxxing anyone but myself!) @Elle I think I might’ve found the venue she’d be at, unless they’re teasing those emojis for no reason!
  9. In before she ends up coming to Walmart AMP (Arkansas music pavilion). Definitely keeping an eye on their social medias
  10. it’s always “you’ll see” and never “it’s coming next week”
  11. The way my 6 hour road trip just dropped to 3 hours I’m coming for you Lanitaaaaa
  12. Little Rock being 6 hours from me…. Road-trip!!!!
  13. I pray they turn the comments off so it isnt laggy!
  14. If she comes down and talks to you and you aren't hyperventilating too bad (like i would be hehe) you should totally ask if she plans to release anymore unreleased songs pls...
  15. This really is a dream and I pray you get to talk with her! That will be so intimate and beautiful Along with asking what DNC meant, I think a lot of us would be curious to know if she still has ideas for an unreleased compilation, if you are able to ask that too! It would be great press for the magazine if she answered that hehe
  16. Well. Let me know when this set is posted to YouTube. Would love to watch again. Thank you lots never mind! @Dominikx4 is uploading. Yay! Thank you!!
  17. Huh. I didn’t put these people under a microscope to dissect their external features. I just see a lot of human beings with a lot of love in their heart for this woman and the embrace in the photo is heartwarming. Sad moment that turned into something beautiful, imo.
  18. My thing is… If she truly was late because of her hair, (assuming that’s the reason she has been late 3/3 times so far) then just do your hair earlier? Maybe something else happened and she didn’t wanna say. Best live vocals in a very, very long time. Beautiful, angelic. I cried when they all sang Video Games. Wish she would’ve been on time so we could’ve heard vocals for the whole set list, and could’ve heard what other little ad libs she would’ve added in which gives us a tiny insight into her thoughts/feelings. like the copyrights comment tonight during PWYC…. What was that all about? Couldn’t still be about Radiohead. Copyrights to her unreleased songs on YouTube? Since her team has been taking videos down lately? Unreleased compilation incoming?
  19. Thanks a million for this! Now I just need to figure out a good and safe VPN on my computer…. Anyone have any recommendations? Have never used one before. Thank you all <3
  20. Hai! Where can I find iplayer? I have Roku on my tv and a laptop. Thanks in advance for your help
  21. ok mbatriche has his live back without comments and its A LOT closer to stage if anyone wants to watch
  22. highly recommend lanadelreyaodream, clear video because their comments are OFF as they should be!!!
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