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Everything posted by lola

  1. Does a list of every song (unreleased, all demos, live) including download links exist? Because I have quite a collection of Lana songs but I think I might be missing a few.
  2. This is my playlist. I just called it "280812" because that's the date I first created it and I'm not creative.
  3. I'm in. I live in Germany so that'd be 0:25 AM on November 10. The entire ''Born to Die - The Paradise Edition'' (including "Burning Desire") lasts 1:27:34.
  4. When she gets all childish and you can hear her voice break in her iTunes Festival "Million Dollar Man" performance.
  5. "Brite Lites", I actually really like "Smarty."
  6. "Yayo", "Pawn Shop Blues", "Put Me In A Movie" and "Gramma"
  7. "I was a big drinker at the time. I would drink every day. I would drink alone. I thought the whole concept was so fucking cool. A great deal of what I wrote on ''Born to Die is about these wilderness years. When I write about the thing that I’ve lost I feel like I’m writing about alcohol because that was the first love of my life. My parents were worried, I was worried. I knew it was a problem when I liked it more than I liked doing anything else. I was like, 'I'm fucked. I am totally fucked'. Like, at first it's fine and you think you have a dark side – it's exciting – and then you realise the dark side wins every time if you decide to indulge in it. It's also a completely different way of living when you know that...a different species of person. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me."
  8. Born to Die: National Anthem AKA: Put Me In A Movie Sirens: Next To Me (only because it's the first and I always start listening from the beginning) Unreleased: Serial Killer (hehe) Demos: Serial Killer Collabs: Don't listen to any of them.
  9. "Carmen" for sure. "National Anthem" sucks (A$AP's) dick, it kinda ruined the song for me, it used to be my favourite one.
  10. Well, she said in this interview that "Radio" is about someone who came back into her life (after 2:10, my favourite interview). I don't think it's for Barrie.
  11. 1. Carmen 2. Video Games 3. Born to Die 4. Blue Jeans 5. Ride 6. Summertime Sadness 7. National Anthem I fucking hate "National Anthem." I also don't like "Summertime Sadness" but Jaime King's pretty so... PS: And "National Anthem" definitely is Instagram-esque.
  12. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey August/September of 2011 when a friend posted "Oh Say Can You See" on Facebook. 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music The snippet of "National Anthem" she posted 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle this one. 4: Favorite live performance iTunes Festival 5: Favorite lyric "I'm final, if I find out that I'm not, I'll be sad" and "Lyin' to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf" 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? How the hell is this even a question? 7: Favorite facial feature Her mouth 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? I think a lot of what she says/sings is a lie or an exaggeration. 9: Have you ever met Lana? No 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? - 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? I'm not obsessed, I hope nobody is. 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? Probably not, 'cause she'd want to eat my brain.
  13. To be honest, I'd fuck Bradely, Josh and A$AP.
  14. I thought we were already called Team Lana, I kinda like that. "Lolitas" is kinda weird for the male fans. "Gangsters" - Who the hell came up with that? "Lipsters" - Sounds like a label for lesbians to me.
  15. I love her in this photoshoot. I think this is my favourite shoot of her, it's beautiful but natural. the ones now are too glamorous in my opinion.
  16. If I was Barrie, I'd be kinda pissed. She's been singing about K and Jimmy for years and there are barely any/no songs about him, even now. I know she likes to reminisce but I think that's a little odd.
  17. Sorry, I was very inaccurate there. What you said is completely true, I just prefer when she goes crazy with her voice, when she goes from a very deep, husky voice to a high, childish voice. Her voice in the studio versions is just not exciting enough to me.
  18. - I don't like the "National Anthem" music video at all. I think a lot of people love it but it's just too Instagram-esque for me. - I prefer the demos/acoustic versions of the BTD songs to every single studio version. I love it when Lana plays with her voice (e.g. that thing she does live with "Million Dollar Man"). The studio versions are kinda boring in my opinion. The entire song is almost always sung at the same pitch. - I'm really not sure about her lips. In the beginning, I was certain she had had them done, but now...she's definitely ALWAYS pouting now which is kinda annoying... - I don't really like the "Ride" video. It's just weird...(was she having sex with that guy on the pin ball machine? It doesn't look like it, it just looks awkward). Also, her "three year long world tour" doesn't fit into her timeline. - I think the "Ride" video tells Lana Del Rey's story, not Elizabeth Woolridge Grant's. - I think she lies and exaggerates a lot. - I like the GQ shoot and I don't think she's an anti-feminist for doing it. She could've been fucking that guy and I still wouldn't think it was anti-feminist. Still love her though. I'm just always quite sceptical.
  19. Born to Die 23 Off To The Races 17 Blue Jeans 14 Video Games 13 National Anthem 23 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 17 Carmen 24 Million Dollar Man 23 Summertime Sadness 18 This Is What Makes Us Girls 3 Without You 31
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