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Everything posted by lola

  1. do you have a source for this? i couldn't find one
  2. i think they're usually hung up in the record label's offices
  3. lola

    Miley Cyrus

    let's not forget the time she "hired a porn star to be star in her video", she was in the video for like 5 seconds and miley and her never even met
  4. lola

    Miley Cyrus

    the lyrics are boring and unimaginative, the music is boring, her voice is auto-tuned as fuck and she's obnoxious
  5. i vote 4 the old guy bc lana's pic just looks like lana's profile
  6. she just looks rly smug imo, probably just shitty photos
  7. her legs looked a lot skinnier when i saw her so yes, they do make them look big or at least significantly bigger
  8. lola


    i've only seen seasons 1 and 2 and part of 3. i rly like seasons 1-2
  9. those boots make her legs look so big...that entire outfit is awk her face is still prretty thoo
  10. i think they kill ppl by lethal injection now...and she talks about electric souls a lot. if k was rly electrocuted, that'd be morbid as fuck
  11. hope u can afford it lol, i need lana to start wearing more topshop and river island again so i can afford her clothes
  12. well she did wear a golden tooth and a blinged out tooth herself so i think it's likely she means an actual grill. "with your golden grill" doesn't sound like a smile or just his mouth to me
  13. don't treat me nice, treat me really roughies
  14. lola

    Paradise Tour Programme

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/LANA-DEL-REY-PARADISE-EUROPEAN-TOUR-PROGRAMME-BN-M-BORN-TO-DIE-/121113577632?pt=UK_Music_Music_Memorabilia_LE&hash=item1c32ee88a0 $68
  15. ralph lauren blue label equestrian-print satin dress ($489): http://www.ralphlauren.com/product/index.jsp?productId=18509346&cp=1766616.1766672&view=all&ab=viewall&parentPage=family junk food velvet underground original vintage "worn to shreds" fleece
  16. new date: July 5: Barcelona (Spain), Pedralbes Festival
  17. why would adele do the theme twice btw?
  18. lola

    Death Grips

    their hottest fan
  19. rejected by sundance, then by sxsw over "quality issues" "The film is so languorous. It's an hour 30, and it seems like it's three hours long. I saw this as a pranky noirish thriller, but Schrader turned it into, well, a Schrader film." - ellis
  20. lola

    Death Grips

    Death Grips is an experimental hip hop group from Sacramento, California, formed in 2010. The group consists of vocalist Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett and production from Zach Hill and Andy "Flatlander" Morin. Death Grips live performance setup consists of Burnett on vocals, Hill on drums, and Andy Morin on keyboards/sampler. The band's music has been described as combining punk rock, hip hop and noise. They released the mixtape Exmilitary in April 2011, and in 2012 they released two studio albums, The Money Store in April and No Love Deep Web in October. Their releases have received acclaim from music critics, including the former placing 9th in Pitchfork's Best 50 Albums of 2012. Their website where you can download their albums: http://thirdworlds.net/ Some good interviews: http://pitchfork.com/features/interviews/8815-death-grips/ http://pitchfork.com/features/interviews/9004-death-gripz/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kWdpEnJfxI They're currently on tour (without Zach who is writing a movie which will be scored by Death Grips). Some music: Get Got: https://soundcloud.com/selftitledmag/death-grips-get-got http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd1-P-R_f-0
  21. lmao @ ellie goulding, rita ora, rihanna & tswift. and wtf, anne hathaway?
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