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Everything posted by lola

  1. lola

    No American Tour?

    I think she wanted to become famous and she likes the attention but she can't quite handle the critics.
  2. lola

    No American Tour?

    Jeffree's become inured to "haters", I think Lana's still pretty sensitive to that. Also, he wants to be everywhere, Lana just want to be where she's loved and widely accepted.
  3. Who did she punch? The paparazzi can be very aggressive and lots of celebrities have thrown things at or have attacked paparazzi because they wouldn't leave them alone. And her alcoholism could explain some of her behaviour.
  4. It is possible. The media really is hurting her as are her parents. Her father's an addict and has been to prison multiple times and I don't know what's wrong with her mother. Lindsay actually seems pretty nice to me, why don't you think she is?
  5. She's been drinking like 2 litres of vodka a day lately because of the stress the media had caused her.
  6. lola

    No American Tour?

    Of course you have good reason to complain but does it have to be everywhere and all of the time? That's the only thing that annoys me. I can ignore that thread that's completely devoted to an American Lana tour but I have to read about it in so many threads and statuses. I don't see South American, Asian or Australians whining this much. And I might be pissed if a German artist would hardly perform in Germany and I might write a post about it but the amount of complaints I've had to read from Americans is excessive.
  7. I think she's mainly an alcoholic though.
  8. lola

    Song vs. Song

    Off to the Races vs. American
  9. For K 14 Next To Me 9 A Star for Nick 8 Bad Disease 18 Out With A Bang 38 Try Tonight 3 Find My Own Way 6 Junky Pride 15
  10. Kill Kill 33 Queen of the Gas Station 8 For K Part 2 43 Mermaid Motel 10
  11. Ride - 8 Cola - 31 Bel Air - 26 There's really no point in voting for Ride, just let it die.
  12. lola

    No American Tour?

    I'm getting tired of American Lana fans complaining about her (current) lack of shows in the US all over the forum, there already is an entire thread for American fans who want to complain here but no, you have to go complain in loads of other threads, statuses etc. No other country is being this whiny.
  13. She was in and out of London in 2008 and 2009, she was always flying back and forth.
  14. Maybe she just did meth and was addicted to something else. As far as I know, she's only mentioned meth in the Carmen video. Coke would make sense if she did get her nose done because of her drug use.
  15. October 2007, moved out around April 2009.
  16. I think she really was an addict. Saying you got clean if you never even were addicted would be a very weird thing to day otherwise. She's been through some stuff that we don't know much about, she's said that she's lead a very long life. When I first heard of her friendship with Jaime King I thought of Jaime's heroin addiction, they might have bonded over that.
  17. Her drug use isn't just speculated about
  18. They couldn't have found a shittier photo.
  19. Of couse, but I meant other drugs. Well, not everything...
  20. She's talked about meth but I'm sure she's done other stuff, too.
  21. I think pretty much every person deals with some kind of depression (severe or harmless) but I doubt Lana's had had any major psychological problems, she's an addict so she could be singing about that.
  22. There ares standing and seated tickets, the opening post is up to date.
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