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Everything posted by lola

  1. lola


    That's Tumblr...
  2. Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
  3. lola


    I hate when Latino porn actors call girls that are a lot younger than them "mama", so weird.
  4. lola


    I've actually googled "calling your boyfriend your daddy" because I wanted to know if it's common and apparently it's not.
  5. lola


    Sorry, I can't find the interview at the moment. I just know that she said that when talking about finding the 50s/60s culture.
  6. lola


    I don't think it's that common. Lana herself said she always thought she was weird for calling her boyfriend that.
  7. Vote here: http://de.eonline.com/news/365037/celeb-of-the-year-2012-vote-for-your-favorite-hitmakers-in-round-1
  8. I was really disappointed by the Paradise Edition. I don't like Cola or American. I don't like LDRAKALG that much. There are good songs on there but I prefer other versions of them.
  9. Eat a fetus. Would you rather accidently shit or vomit during sex?
  10. Excuse me, where are the videos of you crying you were supposed to film for me?
  11. Billy likes every opinion, that's very...fair of you.
  12. Judging both of you hardcore. Nosebleeds, I have tampons. Would you rather fuck your dad to save your mom from being killed or let her die? (Stolen from Jimmy Carr)
  13. Your Apple earphones seem to be broken or you have just lost your mind.
  14. It still sucks. Also, why am I naked? Was that necessary?
  15. Blue Velvet is the absolute worst. Cola is second.
  16. lola


    I do think consensual incest is possible but very rare and hard to define as such. Also, I highly doubt Lana fucked her father.
  17. Everyone critized her dress after the show. I don't think Barrie is a douchebag at all. He seems very nice to me from the interviews I've seen with him. Also, Lana would probably stand there for hours on end talking to the press if people wouldn't pull her away. Maybe he was annoyed in that moment but I think he's a genuinely sweet person.
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