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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. Bluffington is the Amazon-confirmed album title, its the name of a school from a 90s cartoon, Melanie did many interviews claiming each of her future albums would be about an individual place in Cry Baby's town, Drama Club is easily a school-related name, the 2 photoshoot pics feature Cry Baby in a classroom and in a nurses office, and she posted this as a hint over 3 years ago:




    I think its safe to say at this point that it's about Cry Baby's school.


    This is nice, I thought the second album would be just about the city in general and not only one place but that's good! Thanks darling xx



    ... WHAT. 3 YEARS? FFS Melanie just release your stupid album


    I believe this album has been "DONE" (musically-wise) for at least 1 year now. Of course she probably kept recording some new stuff in the mean time and replacing songs like cry baby had all these songs taken off at final minutes, but she mentioned MARCH 2017 and they were recording BONUS TRACKS.


    It's just the film that seems to be taking so long.



    After her whole "School drama" in her personal life as a teen\kid, it will be interesting to watch the album bloom through this.

  2. List of the recent leaks:

    • 99c Store
    • Drama Club
    • Half Hearted (Voice Memo)
    • Haunted
    • Schizo
    • Strawberry Fields Forever (Cover)
    • Unhappy Meal

    I personally assume all of it's Cry Baby outtakes (and Haunted and Half Hearted are confirmed Cry Baby outtakes) except for Drama Club, considering the second album's supposed to be about 1 specific location that's very obviously a school. I also theorize Schizo was recorded for the Dollhouse EP cause it has a very similar sound to Dead to Me, but idk.


    All the songs presumably came from Hauntedbymel, and presumably "Until Sunrise" from him will also be leaking soon. "Where Do Babies Come From" is also slowly spreading but I don't believe that came from him.


    I thought that the second album was going to be in general about the city and not only one place itself. That got me thinking about 99c Store being a possibility since it was one of the titles we never heard (?) of before. Same goes for Drama Club.


    btw thanks for the post from 2014, that was interesting to know and how long these songs have been around lol.

  3. After listening to everything back to back, I just can't deal that Strawberries Field is probably the best thing nnn


    SFF(Cover) > Haunted > Schizo > 99c Store \ Half Hearted (Voice Memo) > Drama Club > Unhappy Meal

  4. Unhappy Meal file won't play on my iTunes for some random reason?? lmao @ you won!

    someone snatch it

    why censor it..... no one is offended by the word schizo i'm....

    everyones so soft everyones so sensitive




    Sis it was more of... little joke\irony for the term being not so cool.


  5. Ok so


    Half Hearted (Piano Session)


    Drama Club (Probably MM2 song)

    Strawberry Fields Forever


    Unhappy Meal


    From the recently teasing, it's only missing "99cents Store" and where do babies come from


    Unhappy Meal is nice as well. Rough but great.


    Whoever leaked all this, thanks.


    edit: Op forgot about SFF, just edited.

  6. I don't think that's why she didn't release it, since she did release Mad Hatter and that could be read as ableist, assuming she doesn't have MH issues.


    I think between "Mad Hatter" and "Schizo"... one of them is just way more... OUT THERE nn.


    Schizo is nice. It sound like some other songs but the whole thing is really next level.

    It's really Alphabet Boy on drugs

  7. She had all these songs sitting and decided to release a vinyl featuring the deluxe songs + gingerbread man lol.

    She really could have snatched some more coins with brand new songs back then. Just remembered that mess.

  8. Do you think the Lana related tweet is a hint at a collab? I really don't believe it but I would obviously die


    For some reason I think it would be more likely to be Lana featuring Marina than the other way around. + From the timeframe of them being together and studio work, I'd say Marina's work felt way more "advanced" to pick a Lana collab, while Lana felt like it's still forming it's final shape.


    They've been together for so long now that if there's no collab is because it really didn't work out. No way they wouldn't try to give the TUMBLRGAYS everything they've always dreamed of.

  9. Bit late but Farhan actually been teasing stuff after July, but since he was called out by Bobby Campbell (Gaga's manager) he just tweet and delete stuff right after.


    I just thought that 24\7 had run out of material basically lol. Yeah there were some snippets that never leaked but maybe he never had them at first. Whatever... Leak season was... iconic. He probably was lurking here because it was the only place where people cared about NN

  10. Dead to Me just came on shuffle and... wow :oprah:


    All the songs from Deluxe and Dollhouse EP itself just sound way more mature than Cry Baby nn I die. Honestly, I'd expect more of Bittersweet Ttragedy\Dead to Me for MM2.


    I'm with some good earphones in and... DAMN It's better than I remember.

  11. Ok so court was today, and, as it turns out, Mars filed for a settlement. Idk what this means, did she give up? No new court dates were announced unfortunately, and she really deserved to get that restraining order  :$



    Not sure but I Think it means they both "agreed" on something. Not really "gave up" but also not getting everything that she wanted(?). Maybe Titanic himself agreed to "stay away" without the need of the restraining order or so. I didn't read the full thing to know about everything she asked about but I think that was main this?

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