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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. "We're gonna play a couple of new ones..." :party:

    "...From the last record" :noparty:




    01. 13 Beaches

    02. Cherry

    03. PWYC

    04. White Mustang 

    05. Born To Die





    These 2 posts back to back were an EXPERIENCE to read




    Well, great show and how she showed some love to Honeymoon with The Blackest Day acapella. Lowkey wondering if she'll set up some new songs for the next round of shows for the new record etc.


    I didn't really expect her to announce new music in mid August... in a Festival... at Hungary. So I'm ok with it. 

  2. Ok this is what the melanie leaker has



    Half Hearted

    Where Do Babies Come From?

    Guns & Gold (Poppy) (Leaked)

    Unhappy Meal

    Drama Club



    I wonder what happened to whoever leaked Bombs that mentioned the song "Schizo"

  3. The haunted snippets lord if you want to tease at least do it HQ and not the song playing in your room while there's an air conditioner turned on somewhere next.



    But it's cute. I get why it would be scrapped when the only "ballad" in the record is Training Wheels. If this was meant to be on the tracklist instead of Soap, it would be a little drag 2 slow songs back-to-back 

  4. A lot of her acoustic songs are so good. I remember her announcing an EP after she did the Voice but of course it got scrapped in favor of Cry Baby.


    I've read about it recently and how she went for "dollhouse ep" instead of this acoustic project. Too bad the character development really ended up taking over the music and lyrics in general. Not "BAD" but you guys get it lol.


    This second record seems to be way more "free" to put some new experiences with the whole city aesthetic. 

  5. One thing I gotta praise her is the way she decided to left some good songs out of Cry Baby just because they didn't "fit the storyline" that she created (and goes really "solid" btw). I think the bad side is the way it all kinda backfired for some people that find the music to be just bland



    But her lyrics like Night Mime and Bombs are just really deep and such beautiful cuts. They're somehow a nice hybrid of the whole "aesthetic" but her vision over the real world around us\everybody

  6. Never realized she had so many unreleaseds\acoustic songs and also many "lost" songs from her YouTube. Don't really care about them since Melanie production was something that helped to get my attention, but it's cute that she works hard.



    btw someone leak final night mime with real chorus or whatever. 

  7. Where was this confirmed to be real?


    She just tweeted about "wanting to do it... STREAM IT BUY IT ON ITUNES SHOW IT TO YOUR FAMILY". Wasn't it the same for Focus? just tweeting about it?


    I wish she could get in a proper label sometimes. Her sound is not so awkward right now and if she had budget just imagine the amazing things she would be able to do

  8. idk how registering songs works, so forgive me if this is dumb/obvious lol


    can the same song be registered under two different titles?? maybe across different sites the titles or versions differ but its still the same song??? or on the same site too


    Yes, one song can be registered with different titles, and specially across different sites.

    Songs like "Dark Paradise" are registed only as "Paradise" for example yet there's also the song "Paradise" that's registered. 2 titles 2 different songs.

    Also sometimes there can be alternative titles under the same registration but no example in my head right now.

  9. I think Jack sounds for Mainstream might be getting a bit "boring" but at same time it will be something new for Lana. So glad she's still in Studio.

    I won't be "scared" of their work cuz she may end up asking him to do some new trap beats that will sound like they could be downloaded on Soundcloud and we'll deal, lol.

  10. How is it without sis Steven and how they managed to switch all the colors 


    edit: Reading it again it's almost a parody of a Lana Del Rey song the way it has "MAN" "JULY" "TE AMO" "CRAZY" and "DIE" so once again I'm glad she changed the whole thing

  11. Where would this girl get the money to shoot 2 full films for an album which also takes money to be done......... dead.


    Haunted snippet is cute but reminds me of another song, and it's kinda too lq to judge. But funny her outtakes\unreleaseds are still spreading around. I thought everyone would lose interest 

  12. I do believe that soundcloud was her way of lowkey showing her stuff, teasing, and creating buzz. She came from MySpace which was the same. Upload songs and try to grab people's attention.


    I remember reading that soundcloud caused some trouble because she ended up uploading stuff that was meant to be released by other artists or so. Back then she was mainly working on the "Cry Baby" album and her electropop stuff was the main focus or so. I think she enjoyed the sound back but mindshifts happen and she went for another direction later that resulted with Ghost and later Night time My Time (we can clearly see that also, both records even thought more "alike", still pretty different).

  13. Haters Annonymous alone makes As If! worth it.


    From the 3 singles, One if my least favorite lol. Obsession video is lowkey iconic that even Selena Gomez stole it years later and "17" is so messed up that it's nice. One is the sis that just does nowhere, but bop I guess.


    Most of her electropop (unreleased) stuff was golden because it's interesting lyrics + top notch production. They were really A-List stuff that you would expect from main pop girls.

  14. Also no date is out yet, right?

    This makes me really believe she can squeeze at least one more song into it. Even if it's a really short one or whatever.


    inb4 Intro-Interlude-Encore\Credits :deadbanana: 

  15. So do you think she'll upload the VC video she teased on instagram when she gets back to the U.S?


    And then in like a month or two we could get Love Street / Tears Of Fire - Double Single ?


    More likely she'll uppload thousand snippets we'll never hear the final. And maybe there's a single coming by the end of the year but... itsnotrealistic.gif



    Her mother answered me on Facebook saying "more surprises coming" tho, let's see

  16. Ohhh so THAT'S voices carry cover. I really like it (love it since the older snippets). 

    Had no idea of what it was til today, lol.


    and the way she teased a video... girl you just iconic. and messy.

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