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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. DinahLee

    Melanie Martinez

    Never realized she had so many unreleaseds\acoustic songs and also many "lost" songs from her YouTube. Don't really care about them since Melanie production was something that helped to get my attention, but it's cute that she works hard. btw someone leak final night mime with real chorus or whatever.
  2. DinahLee


    She just tweeted about "wanting to do it... STREAM IT BUY IT ON ITUNES SHOW IT TO YOUR FAMILY". Wasn't it the same for Focus? just tweeting about it? I wish she could get in a proper label sometimes. Her sound is not so awkward right now and if she had budget just imagine the amazing things she would be able to do
  3. DinahLee


    Same as Need You\That's So Us they exist somewhere in shadowland only.
  4. Yes, one song can be registered with different titles, and specially across different sites. Songs like "Dark Paradise" are registed only as "Paradise" for example yet there's also the song "Paradise" that's registered. 2 titles 2 different songs. Also sometimes there can be alternative titles under the same registration but no example in my head right now.
  5. Just realized Eclipse creates 1 thread by year and they're shooking most of the time. Really taking that nickname seriously
  6. DinahLee


    She performed Little Things with Backtrack instead of LiveBand so... studio version and she sang over it lol https://twitter.com/pinchechuchin/status/1024833914421035008
  7. I think Jack sounds for Mainstream might be getting a bit "boring" but at same time it will be something new for Lana. So glad she's still in Studio. I won't be "scared" of their work cuz she may end up asking him to do some new trap beats that will sound like they could be downloaded on Soundcloud and we'll deal, lol.
  8. How is it without sis Steven and how they managed to switch all the colors edit: Reading it again it's almost a parody of a Lana Del Rey song the way it has "MAN" "JULY" "TE AMO" "CRAZY" and "DIE" so once again I'm glad she changed the whole thing
  9. DinahLee

    Melanie Martinez

    Where would this girl get the money to shoot 2 full films for an album which also takes money to be done......... dead. Haunted snippet is cute but reminds me of another song, and it's kinda too lq to judge. But funny her outtakes\unreleaseds are still spreading around. I thought everyone would lose interest
  10. Anyone still having the second snippet the guy offered here?
  11. I do believe that soundcloud was her way of lowkey showing her stuff, teasing, and creating buzz. She came from MySpace which was the same. Upload songs and try to grab people's attention. I remember reading that soundcloud caused some trouble because she ended up uploading stuff that was meant to be released by other artists or so. Back then she was mainly working on the "Cry Baby" album and her electropop stuff was the main focus or so. I think she enjoyed the sound back but mindshifts happen and she went for another direction later that resulted with Ghost and later Night time My Time (we can clearly see that also, both records even thought more "alike", still pretty different).
  12. Haters Annonymous alone makes As If! worth it. From the 3 singles, One if my least favorite lol. Obsession video is lowkey iconic that even Selena Gomez stole it years later and "17" is so messed up that it's nice. One is the sis that just does nowhere, but bop I guess. Most of her electropop (unreleased) stuff was golden because it's interesting lyrics + top notch production. They were really A-List stuff that you would expect from main pop girls.
  13. DinahLee


    Also no date is out yet, right? This makes me really believe she can squeeze at least one more song into it. Even if it's a really short one or whatever. inb4 Intro-Interlude-Encore\Credits
  14. DinahLee


    Ughhh it all sound so great from snippets and all. Shaping to be her best project.
  15. Why ask someone else when Sky herself owns the soundcloud again MAKE IT RAIN SIS n
  16. Just saw her Insta post with " The original edit I made was originally for a different song/project lol " Not this Lana realness....
  17. More likely she'll uppload thousand snippets we'll never hear the final. And maybe there's a single coming by the end of the year but... itsnotrealistic.gif Her mother answered me on Facebook saying "more surprises coming" tho, let's see
  18. my god new sky ferreira music my god new sky ferreira music
  19. Ohhh so THAT'S voices carry cover. I really like it (love it since the older snippets). Had no idea of what it was til today, lol. and the way she teased a video... girl you just iconic. and messy.
  20. DinahLee


    This is highkey interesting since the production on this seem to be fire and the main part of this whole project.
  21. DinahLee


    what a MESS. LORD IN HEAVEN, WHY the good songs are still saved while we have stuff like stupid hat out. Anyway, at least the official record is coming. Girl of the Year will be THAT SONG I can feel it coming. And her vocals for Science live... pls god don't let it be another focus situation. Give us these VOCALS kween
  22. DinahLee


    Science snippets on her Instastories reminded me of Phantom and also how I need that song Natiluss LEAK IT
  23. I mean doesn't soundcloud gives you "verified" status if you're a +plus user and pay them? whatever, feeling this can be iconic
  24. I just don't know what I'm more shook. 1. There was some type of Sex Rules video? 2. That happened in my city? 3. Performance for a Song I never expected Now can someone leak the original debut and we pretend that's the second album and Capitol finally got her to be a Pop Girl
  25. DinahLee

    Charli XCX

    I think it's cute you guys really promoting the song and it might help. About radio, I'd say they hardly will play music if the label doesn't send them a "deal" or actually, you know, pitch them "This is the new Charli song, play it". There must be some type of "approval" from the label to get a song on the radio, so it would be nice to SPAM ask Atlantic about it and show the interest over the song, otherwise it will be almost impossible to get it on Airplay. But it's worth the try! Streaming and Buying is the best\confirmed thing to do to try to catch attention. Create playlists with the song, spread it around... Spotify is always watching and when a song have some "buzz" (added on many playlists, good plays on the first week, etc.) they end up promoting it a little further.
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