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Everything posted by BoardingSchool

  1. A Lust patch...a Wrath patch... and a 3000 PAGES PATCH for everyone to sew on their ass!
  2. Yeah...the jacket is $228 and the patches are $100 per patch... here's Lust: https://stagprovisions.com/products/ft-lonesome-lust-patch-set-core I like the Envy one, even though Lana didn't use it! You do get 15% off your first order.
  3. Ooo, what merch would you would most like to see? I would love a Venice Beach jacket like she's wearing in her profile pic, but altered to be Venice Bitch of course!
  4. Lana has, I think, always been enamored of an idea of retro-Americana that only ever existed as a pop culture fantasy--which she knows and acknowledges ("You make me wanna be like one of those girls / From the 1950s wearing those big pearls / On the color TV," etc), so...she is still looking for that fantasy she was promised ("I heard the streets were paved with gold / That's what my father said.") Real events on the news pop that fantasy bubble, not that she really thinks we should go back to how things literally were in earlier times. Her nostalgia is bittersweet because she knows it's for something not real ("I feel nostalgic and I don't even know what for", she said in an interview). For me, the best example of Lana!America vs. Real!America in the National Anthem video...when JFK was actually president, there was still racial segregation in the US. In the video, she has an African-American JFK to show she's romanticizing the aesthetics...the American "Camelot" it was called...NOT the racism of the actual time period. I think of "Looking for America" that way too...looking for a dream. So...that's why I don't find that problematic, but I do see and respect why some of you do. Anyway...almost 3,000 pages! Go team!
  5. Agreed. I love the song but wasn't in a rush to buy it, but now I will (as well as donating on my own which I was already doing). So that's a little more towards helping the families and if even a portion of her bazillion fans do the same, it will truly help.
  6. I LOVE THIS!!!! That is the right thing to do. Using her fame and influence to do something good, and it's really not "political"--she's donating to the victims' relief funds because it is a national tragedy no matter what you think about gun laws.
  7. No, but...sometimes things happen if you wish on a star (and also Google it and limit the results to today, then click the first one you see in Russian) I can't imagine two more different songs dropping at the same time, which is just coincidence but giving me major tonal whiplash listening to them back to back! We stan a Queen with many sides to her.
  8. Oh wow, I am madly in love with how SOTW would sound if I were able to listen to it. I want to drive somewhere cold, drink a pumpkin beer, and listen to it on repeat. In New Zealand.
  9. I had never ever heard the "feed" lingo before I got here, but it makes me LOL! Besides, Lana talks about food so much it kinda makes sense. Ms. Hot Potato, Ice Cream, Pizza Pie, etc. Btw, I think Lana's dream man is actually Patrick Swayze 'cuz I don't know of anyone else who can spin her round like a record and throw her in the air like a pizza all at the same time. Lana dream date:
  10. It sounds wonderfully cohesive...like a grown-up Lizzy Grant or May Jailor album. UV is my favorite and I don't think it sounds like that, but it sounds like it's own thing and it sounds amazing. It really sounds like she's saying "fuck it I LIKE you"... if it didn't say "love" in the title, that's what I would think it was. I don't think much of the new BAR lyrics but will wait until I hear the whole thing to judge. That is some weird production on HTD. I don't know that she's dating the Bartender; she might be drunkenly talking to the bartender about her lover. Not sure yet.
  11. OMG, tears in my eyes because I'm so sad about the shootings too and she put it into words so beautifully...this is SO MUCH better than Coachella. Absolutely amazing
  12. God damn, Grant child, you fed us so good that I almost said "I stan you."
  13. Ah, thank you! I want to buy it for an audiophile friend with some serious equipment, so I'll get the black just to be on the safe side. I'm getting the digital for myself.
  14. There is no problem. Didn't mean to worry you, baddisease--I have no idea what she has/hasn't had done-- the doctor does a lot of face care stuff, and the vampire thing just jumped out at me 'cuz it sounded funny. (I don't keep up with trends like that so I didn't know it was dangerous) Anyway! Question: do the colored vinyls sound different from the black? I like the pink one, but I read some reviews that red Honeymoon didn't sound as good? So now I'm wondering if black is better audio quality of if that was just coincidence.
  15. I think it's great that she's been feeling comfortable going out (as opposed to onstage) without the huge eyelashes etc for awhile now. She seems so much more at ease in her own skin that she used to. Plus--I glanced at the doctor's website because I didn't know who he was--he seems to specialize in Botox and something called a Vampire Facial (LOL wut?) so she might have gone makeup-free to show off how that's working for her!
  16. Or "Gosh darnit, manchild, you fricked me so good...but you don't know half of the doody you put me through". .As hilarious as Norman Rocking Rockwell is ( ) "you rocked me so good" could be kinda hot for a clean version.
  17. My absolute favorite thing about Pale Moonlight is how it goes from "no pressure, it's chill" to "...but I'm literally stalking you and telling everyone I'M GONNA get-GET HIM!" I love that song but think it, and songs like "This is What Makes Us Girls," aren't coming back because her style and image are more mature; like, on NFR she's a grown woman who doesn't have time for playing games and will call you on your shit, you know? Not a Lolita ingenue any more. Which is kind of sad for us but also probably healthy for her.
  18. I wish that instead of putting the full album title and her initials, she reversed it: her full name (I know she's famous but not everyone on earth knows her name) and "NFR" 'cuz that's mysterious and would make the viewer want to google it. Just my marketing background showing. Anyway, I agree with the comment upthread that she might be doing a "witchy" cover song for Maleficent 2 since she was on the first Maleficent, plus they used "Season of the Witch" on the promo. Still doesn't explain what the "witchy" UO cover has to do with NFR though! I listed to Architecture aka BAR again last night; dying to know what the re-done version will sound like. Such a beautiful song. I wonder how it will fit into the rest of the album, which seems more hopeful about relationships...BAR is definitely a post-breakup song unless the lyrics changed, so I would've made it a bonus track personally.
  19. I like both the pink and bright green vinyl, but I don't like that both covers have so much focus on other people...it looks like a duet album (official cover) or a girl group (UO cover). Like, if I didn't recognize Lana's face, I'd think the official one was a new She & Him album and the UO was a new witchier Spice Girls. All her albums before now have shown only her, even LFL with all its duets and "featuring...". It just seems confusing and off-brand to me. (But to be honest, now that I've seen the album trailer, I think the cover should just be the shot of her booty in the Lust/Wrath shorts )
  20. I think the bright windbreaker and sailboat are a visual depiction of how she's *not* a debutante in a pink dress on a yacht, but rather more casual and retro-Americana, so I think it works. For a second I thought the guy next to her was Jack Antonoff, which would have been hilarious!
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