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Everything posted by Masochism

  1. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    remember when we thought the exchange tracks would never leak? we WON
  2. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    @@Heartmachine SIS LOG IN !!!!!
  3. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    200$ for a song that’s gonna leak? no way, save those coins for charli’s next release smh
  4. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    @@diplo leak it so you can remain the king of leaks
  5. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    who bought it i just wanna talk.........
  6. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    it was nashestan or something but i can't find his profile
  7. Masochism

    Charli XCX

    does anyone have the xcx logos that leaked a while ago? i can't find the link
  8. hating on ottr? i guess that's why i hate this fucking thread
  9. Masochism


    i would have liked it if those ugly ass screamo male vocals weren’t there
  10. i don't know why but this thread makes me so angry lmao i hate it i can't wait for lana to drop another song/album/idk so we can't stop bullshitting
  11. Masochism

    Miley Cyrus

    omg! what was the title of the song?
  12. i remember it was just a rumor but idk
  13. Masochism


    imagine replacing her and having to delete the "dripping in that sweat it's charli baby"...
  14. Masochism


    BITCH YOU ON MY SHIT LIST Y O U W I L D!!!! YOU REALLY TRIED IT I GOT thespliffinmyearandibeentalkingshitsincethedayiwasbornyahyah thespliffinmyearthespliffinmyearandi-
  15. yeah! i'm the first one that prefers lana when she's solo in her music, but still, i'd rather wait and listen to the whole thing before saying "omg she's so lame for adding a rap feature and now all her music will be cheap!" like.... we don't know yet. maybe his part will be short and will flow with the whole mood/atmosphere of the album y'all talking about.
  16. y'all heard 3 seconds of his verse and are saying he's lyrics are dumb/ugly............. ms patience?? ms patience??? oh ma god she fuking dead
  17. I dont even think these are last minute additions. maybe she’s still writing and creating stuff for the album just casue she feels like it? maybe she wasn’t satisfied with what she got until now and is trying something new. we dont know if the album was already done when she dropped VB/Mac, she probably was still in the process so yeah maybe this is just what she wants to do now, idk. anyways i don’t know yet what to think about the collab, it sounds like an intro for me, or a spoken bridge with is vocals, idk, i’ll wait and see
  18. she knew her fans would have dragged her so much lol. she’s wise
  19. omg the meltdowns that are gonna happen in a few minutes........ im ready
  20. Masochism

    Azealia Banks

    she's still thinking about this? sis get over it. i bet lana has already forgotten everything lmao
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