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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. daphnedinkley

    This or That

    car!! im terrified of flying, my biggest fear!! marilyn monroe or audrey hepburn?
  2. still can't believe she doesn't perform The Greatest on this tour
  3. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Fuck It I Love You vs Carmen
  4. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    ooooh tough one!! Honeymoon vs Brooklyn Baby
  5. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Lust For Life (Demo) vs Without You
  6. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Lust For Life (demo) vs Old Money
  7. suuuper hard to choose between AKA and UV buuut.... AKA Ultraviolence Norman Fucking Rockwell! Paradise Honeymoon Born To Die Lust For Life
  8. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pretty When You Cry vs Lust For Life (demo)
  9. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    omg a toughie Yayo (AKA) vs Diet Mountain Dew (Demo)
  10. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Happiness is a Butterfly vs Yes To Heaven
  11. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Motel 6 vs Happiness is a Butterfly
  12. Norman Fucking Rockwell Mariners Apartment Complex Venice Bitch Fuck it I love you Doin' Time Love Song Cinnamon Girl How to Disappear California The Next Best American Record The Greatest Bartender - "lavender blush" lol (Bartender) Happiness is a Butterfly hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it
  13. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Motel 6 vs Starry Eyed
  14. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    White Mustang vs Motel 6
  15. i'm not too stressed either tbh, i think the main thing that worries people is how new it is and how we won't know for another roughly 14 days just how bad it's actually gonna be. i think it'll work out okay tho, i lived thru swine flu and ebola so...
  16. now that it's hit the UK it does make me a tad more anxious, but i do think that ultimately things will turn out okay. keep your hands washed, and definitely don't eat or rub your eyes with unclean hands. this virus essentially causes pneumonia, so it's best to keep your immune system as well boosted as you can through a good diet and vitamin supplements; some people have died from this virus, but many have recovered, even without any cure or antibiotics. the vast majority of those who sadly passed away were older or already in poor health. personally my immune system is terrible (i have anaemia, a poor diet because of my job, i'm an alcoholic so i have very little vitamin B6 in my system and i'm deeply prone to stress) so i'm making an extra effort now to keep my vitals up, just in case for most of us, our bodies should be able to fight this thing. that's if we even get it, which most of us won't - but in the unlikely event that we do it doesn't need to be devastating, our bodies will be doing a lot of work to get rid of it so it might seem scary but with the support of good healthcare systems that many of us have and a little pre-planning, it shouldn't be so scary. some good vitamins for protecting and boosting your immune system include: Vitamin C - found in citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach, kale and others Vitamin E - found in lots of nuts (including almonds, peanuts, etc) and spinach and broccoli Vitamin B6 - found in bananas, lean chicken breast, chickpeas and others and of course keep your iron up too if possible! there are tonnes of supplements out there for those of us who don't get enough vitamins thru our food. also... at risk of sounding like a crazy conspiracy-driven freak, it's kinda important to remember that january is a very slow news month and pandemics are incredible clickbait. i'm not downplaying the severity of this virus and i think it's something we absolutely should be paying attention to, but also remember that part of the reason news outlets are reporting on this so much is because it makes gripping news, which leads to engagement and is basically guaranteed money. i've seen some utterly ridiculous headlines blowing things way out of proportion for the sake of clickbait, but of course i've also seen a number of rational, balanced news reports too, so it's good to differentiate while also being aware of how the news industry works. ironically though, i am about to quote from a news outlet i read this in the guardian and it put things into perspective for me: "We don’t yet know how dangerous the new coronavirus is, and we won’t know until more data comes in. The 170 deaths from about 7,700 reported cases means the mortality rate is around 2%. However, this is likely to be an overestimate since many more people are likely to have been infected by the virus but not suffered severe enough symptoms to attend hospital, and so have not been counted. For comparison, seasonal flu typically has a mortality rate below 1% and is thought to cause about 400,000 deaths each year globally." i thought that was a really succinct way of describing the current state of things, though we don't know exactly the mortality rate yet as it's not been long enough. clearly i'm no expert but i do believe that many countries are adequately prepared to deal with this situation and any cases as and when they come. we're learning more every day and the WHO declaring this an emergency means there will be more funding and more attention paid to this situation. don't panic, just keep an eye on your own health. ring up your doctors for an over-the-phone appointment if you're feeling unwell but worried about going outside, or ring 111 if you're in the UK. stay safe everyone
  17. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Love vs High By The Beach
  18. recently i started talking to someone who's worked with lana putting on her earlier uk shows! he sent me pictures of them together and one of them looked like they were from the iconic jazz cafe show. i'll let you guys know if he tells me anything interesting
  19. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry Blossom vs 13 Beaches
  20. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs Fine China
  21. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Lucky Ones (demo)
  22. Mariners Apartment Complex 25 Venice Bitch 32 (+) California 30 (-) Bartender 57
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