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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. Take a break from it and listen to it in a week. Maybe it will sound better. I had a similiar situation with west coast (i heard that song to often) but after a short break I loved this song again and it is still one of my favourites songs.
  2. Last Monday last time you left the house ?
  3. The blackest day vs West Coast
  4. Does anyone on here watch Ex on the Beach or Modern Family?
  5. Like everyone said. Lanas part is the best part of the song. The rest is okay. In my opionion the chorus sounds flat and the jingle thing reminded me a little bit of circus music I excepted more from this song but the Video is good
  6. California is still amazing!I'm really in love with the second prechorus (You scared to win, scared to lose...)Soo good
  7. I think the album cover shows Lana kneels in the sand on a hot summer day on a beach. In one hand she will have sand that pours through her fingers . Lana will wear short hot pants and a light top/shirt. Her hair will fly in the wind. White Sunshine will surround Lana. In the background you will see pieces of the sea. The Vinyl will be transparent white. Other versions are the normal black vinyl , a white and vinyls in red / orange shades.
  8. Yayo-Lana del Rey At my firsten listen I imagined that I'm sitting in a bar. Outside it was raining and I sitting in a bar smoking a cigarette and drinkig a glass of Barcardi Cola Next letter: T
  9. Norman fucking Rockwell - 20 Mariners Apartment Complex - 16 - Venice Bitch - 24 California - 23 (+) Bartender - 61
  10. Cruel World - 36 (-) Ultraviolence - 22 Shades of Cool - 53 West Coast - 38 Pretty When You Cry - 44 Black Beauty - 47 (+)
  11. Honeymoon - 20 God Knows I Tried - 24 Salvatore - 32 (-) The Blackest Day - 47 (+)
  12. Anyone can start again - not through love, but through revenge vs You know that I’d just die to make you proud
  13. Norman fucking Rockwell - 21 Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 (-) Venice Bitch - 24 California - 20 (+) Bartender - 60
  14. I think it was three months ago last time you heard a Lana Song at the beach?
  15. Venice Bitch is like a warm hug but at the same time it gives you memories that you never had and every time i listen I get the longing to travel or to move to California. Sometimes I want to get drunk and dance to this song. The Guitar solo still gets in my soul and let me leave earth LANA DID THAT! A 10 MINUTE MASTERPIECE
  16. It's so sad that some people think that she can't sing live bc of incidents like the BBC Live Lounge where was someone to stupid for mixing correctly. Lana definetly can sing and her singing in Live Lounge was good (you can hear it in the fixed versions). And I wish that she wouldn't use that much of backing vocals for her concerts. Sometimes you only hear the backing vocals (a least in the videos i have seen bc I was't on a LDR Concert). She can definetly sing. I love videos of her singing VG and Ride bc you can hear her beautiful voice clearly (if you ignore the crowd ). And I think a vocal coach could help her so that she can reach for example the high notes of NFR song. She is able to reach high notes and to belt but she need some help to do this again. (Idk if it is the best example but I have to leave the house in 5 Minutes and that was the firs that came to my mind) I think this is with very silent Backing Vocals and the End is so good
  17. 13 Beaches - 78 (+) Cherry- 76 (-) Heroin- 56 Get Free- 33
  18. I would have liked it more without the backing vovals and loud instrumentation. I think if she did it more acoustic/ acapella it would have sounded better. At least with Doin' Time bc we have already live performances with backing vocals. Or someone should have done a better job with the mixing.
  19. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 21 Cinnamon Girl - 15 (+) California - 21 The Greatest - 17 Bartender - 26 (-)
  20. I was only joking with AFFA but I wouldn't mind if the new songs would be it in that vein
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