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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 36 minutes ago, Beautiful Loser said:

    I'll be in Japan in September, but at the very beginning of the month, I'm lowkey sad I won't get the JP box art. My brother got me the LA remake one in Japan. :poordat:

    TIL that JP box art is different! I knew there were differences in the BOTW box arts but I didn’t realize they all had diffenret ones 

  2. 34 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    I’ve always wanted a Zelda game with her as the playable character but I kinda hate that they’re doing it in this art style with her femininity hidden under a cloak like they’re not fully committing to having her as the lead character and still want to appeal to a wider audience that don’t want to notice that they’re playing as a female character. Maybe I’m reading too much into it and I’m sounding like Jameela Jamil but idk I wish we could have a Zelda fronted game where she’s fab and not a little cartoony covered up lego

    i see where you’re coming from, but at the same time I’m already seeing a lot of complaints that Zelda is the playable character, so as much as I want them to fully embrace her, I can see why they’re playing it a tad safe..I do hope the cloak is removable, because in all the gameplay footage so far the cloak is up, but on the box art it’s not. 

    i know we just got the announcement but I’m already itching for another trailer :toofloppy: I’m so glad they announced this game with only a 3 month wait

  3. I see a lot of people mad that Zelda is the playable character and they’re ditching ‘traditional’ combat, but I really feel like Nintendo did it the opposite way.

    I feel like they had the idea of echos, but weren’t sure how to put it in a game because Link always has a sword, and this gameplay gimmick feels perfect for Zelda!


    Of course now I want to replay every single Zelda game I can. (Which the only two I can’t play is WW/TP because my Wii U is in a storage unit)

  4. 18 hours ago, American Whore said:

    How is no one talking about a 2D Zelda game in the same engine as Link's Awakening remake, made by Grezzo, where Zelda is the playable character????? @Beautiful Loser @SlowGinFizzzz let's discuss :liner:




    I can’t WAIT!!!


    it’s gonna be sooo good. I love the art style and how they’re bringing the freedom of BOTW/TOTK into 2D. 

    I’m also curious about the ALTTP map being at least slightly reused, and I REALLY hope they have more ‘traditional’ dungeons 

  5. 13 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:


    Both of those songs are incredible to me. I don’t mind at all the minimalist songs she releases, especially the guitar ones rather than the piano’s. 
    Its not that LB hates Not All Who Wander… but I can’t say that that song has been brought up very often as an highlight on COcC… and yet the hype for Henry in this thread seems a bit exaggerated maybe? :tsk: It could be an incredible track, just not single material per se 

    tbh I think half of the reason it seems so hype is because it’s not a jack track :bebe:


    if Henry was teased and she @‘ed Jack instead of Luke I think more people would be upset

  6. 3 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Alright time to speak my truth… no tea no share towards anyone, but… 

      Reveal hidden contents

    I don’t get at all why is LB so hyped for Henry when everyone seems to hate Not All Who Wander Are Lost :stareney2: aren’t they similar and I can’t remember someone mentioning NAWWAL as a highlight from CoCC (which is to me)?

    when I first heard Henry, it thought was very minimal sounding and I was surprised you liked it so much (especially the bridge: it sounds like it’s an unfinished demo). And no, Henry shouldn’t be a single, even less a lead. Of all the songs she teased via snippets from previous releases, Henry might be the one I don’t like as much as TJF, HIaB, CG or CN. 


    Im sure we’ll get Henry. As I stated so many, many times before, to the exception of RBFY (which was written black on white in the caption), all the songs she teased with a snippet ended up on an album. 

    I like Henry because it reminds me of Nectar Of The Gods, and that’s one of my favorite Lana songs 

  7. 5 minutes ago, aGlassShipThatCanFly said:

    I'm curious how she will officially announce Tough. Like, will she say *Tough, out now, is off my new album Lasso, out in September:hooker:* or *Tough is from my new album out soon:usrs:* or *Tough out now:toofloppy:*

    None of these! Quavo will post about it and tag her, she won’t say a single thing about it 

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