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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I don’t dislike Drew per se, but I do think his solo work with Lana sounds a bit uninspired/one note, but that’s not a Drew exclusive complaint. I think Country Roads is absolutely beautiful, but it’s basically just piano and I think if Lana would have enlisted Drew or Jack to help Zach it would have been elevated a little bit. I think Ocean Blvd is a perfect example of that, a good number of songs have more than one of her producers working together and the songs sound so carefully crafted. I hope Lasso has more of her producers working together, and I want Luke to have a big hand in the production since he’s a Nashville country producer and I think that’s what Lana needs for Lasso to feel as authentic as possible
  2. Nothing will ever be as bad as NFR and that’s a fact. HIAB snippet in early 2018, MAC/VB and album title in September 2018, Hope in January, Doin Time in May, TG/FIILY randomly leaking in July because the release date changed and they couldn’t be bothered to tell google and YouTube, the “album in a few months” comments at her shows, and EVERY single song having a snippet by the time the album came out. I do wish she wouldn’t have posted Henry so early, because it’s turning into this era’s happiness is a butterfly/Tulsa Jesus Freak. Idk why but I’m still hopeful that something will be released this year
  3. if you have to ask, it’s fake
  4. Tbh I wouldn’t be 100% opposed to it. I think AI can be another tool used in the music creation process, and artists sooner or later are going to start using it (eminem already used it in his video) I think it just depends how it’s used. I wouldn’t want it to be used lazily as a way for her to not record, but if she recorded something and used AI to transform it I think that could be kinda cool
  5. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I don’t get a single notification from her, but get notifications from people I don’t even follow Instagram is so broken lol
  6. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    That second photo with her hugging the tree seems to be from the same shoot as the one she posted in June
  7. spinmeround - 5 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 10 The Siren - 24 lustforlife - 29 lanaswildflowers - 13 arcadialovesong2018 - 10 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 DeluluKing - 4 Acid - 24 get this mod harasser out of here!!!
  8. spinmeround - 10 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 9 The Siren - 21 lanaismamom - 5 lustforlife - 29 lanaswildflowers - 11 arcadialovesong2018 - 9 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 DeluluKing - 8 Acid - 18
  9. spinmeround - 10 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 9 The Siren - 21 lanaismom - 6 lustforlife - 26 lanaswildflowers - 10 wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 4 arcadialovesong2018 - 9 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 DeluluKing - 9 Acid - 15
  10. It’s been shazamable since January because it’s uploaded to YouTube
  11. So based on Lana having a writing credit I’m guessing this is our August 9th surprise. Soft launch (snippet) a day early and now this tomorrow. Shame it’s not anything Lasso related, but still cool that something Lana helped write is being released!
  12. Yeah nothing is coming tomorrow the only thing we’re getting it disappointment
  13. Lasso Autumn sounds perfect tbh.
  14. Nope. Boz said he heard a masterpiece album in like October but other than that it was a silent as it is now
  15. Edit: sry I tagged the wrong post 1.Lasso 2.Wild Girl 3.American Queen 4.Has Anyone Else Died For You 5.In God's Time All Hollywood Now Wildside Blackbird (Interlude) Blink feat. Clayton Johnson Rock Me Gentle feat. Nikki Lane Henry, Come On When The Stars Align With A Broken Heart Loved You Then And Now Ridin' Shotgun The Last Chapter Everglade Echoes Sundown
  16. tbh I’m more worried about the people who are going to follow in Trump’s footsteps than Trump himself. Trump is really the starting to fall mentally (even if MAGA is in denial) and I think a younger, more enthusiastic MAGA2.0 candidate is going to emerge in 2028, and that’s terrifying. Desantis tried it, and a lot of MAGA were really into him, but with Trump running again he didn’t stand a chance
  17. NikoGo

    Chappell Roan

    Not a single other artist out there right now could release femininominon, red wine supernova, after midnight, pink pony club, super graphic ultra modern girl, hot to go, naked in Manhattan, California, or guilty pleasure. She has more personality and flair than any artist in years
  18. A veteran who taught high school and gave kids free breakfast and lunch vs an Ivy League graduate who thinks people without children are miserable democrats haven’t wanted to win like this in years and it’s so refreshing.
  19. Say it louder!!! I’ve never experienced a pre release where so many fans want the album scrapped/completely changed, it’s truly mind boggling to me
  20. I really need an album full of stupid fun pop songs, like her early unreleased songs I know fans hate them because they aren’t as ‘DeEp’ as her new stuff, but even the stupid fun pop songs are VERY well written and have such a unique flow and Lana flair to them
  21. Henry come on sounds like such a ‘sitting by the campfire strumming guitar in late fall’ song, and Southern Gothic makes me think of winter in the south, where it’s still warm, but the days are short
  22. This! we didn’t get Arcadia until September and the album came in October (which I think is a perfect rollout amount of time) and before Arcadia came out it was mostly crickets (I say mostly because we did get the album cover July 4th and “album later later single soonish” but we know from BOZ that that announcement wasn’t planned)
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