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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I knew it was going to come out this year
  2. Yes it’s still set to release this year
  3. oh she KNOWS she’s an icon
  4. It’s crazy to me that we’re already halfway there Feb - now is 4 months and in 4 months it’ll be September I definitely think a single and preorder is going to drop next month
  5. Omg!? About damn time she plays a bigger show!! Her little US tour last year being in amphitheaters was too lowkey for how big she is!! also, I wondered why they were announcing a June show already, and then realized that’s next month time is flyinggggg
  6. Shania was Lana’s first concert, and Shania has been a lover since 2012 so I’d love a Shania feature on Lasso
  7. why is that not a good sign? should she just be a shut in and not go anywhere the week before an event? Like I genuinely don’t understand the logic here
  8. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    omg?? Hopefully!! I love how she really is the artist’s artist
  9. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Can she find the reel of her announcing lasso and comment on that
  10. she also said she’s worked on it for 4 years, that means she’s been working on it alongside her other albums. She submitted ocean in September of ‘22 so she’s had well over a year to completely focus on Lasso, and she’s been working with Luke since November ‘23 idk I feel like this time it’s gonna be out around when she says. When she did the magazine in May of ‘22 she didn’t even give us ocean’s name. I think having the name ready to share means the album was in the finishing touches when she mentioned it
  11. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Well now that we have the (renewed) controversy for this era, it’s almost time to officially announce Lasso
  12. I know we’ve all been burnt by her fake release dates before, but I do think this year (September/October) is likely. I don’t think her and jack would both mention it if she only has a handful of songs ready. I think the studio snippet we got of Henry Come On was when she was feeling pretty confident in the album, same as when we got the Candy Necklace snippet in August and she felt the album was finished in September. We went from the Candy Necklace snippet in august to complete silence until December, but that didn’t mean nothing was happening. The album was submitted and being pressed and we had NO idea. There is no reason to think that isn’t the case right now, some of y’all are so dramatic
  13. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I get why she does it, but I’m so sick of her constantly defending herself. people are NEVER going to understand her/her art, and continuing to comment on these issues FOUR YEARS later is just not the move. I think the people who knew what she meant knew what she meant, and the people who didn’t never will, no matter how many follow up videos/posts/comments she makes.
  14. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    A turtlenecks is a (usually) think piece of clothing that covers your entire torso and neck. I think she means she was told she had to cover her story/herself up. Every time she tired to ‘tell her story’ they attacked her and told her to be quiet so she felt like she had to cover it all up otherwise there would be a million and one think pieces about her it’s crazy that Lana fans still think she’s some unknown indie artist while headline Coachella and having one of the longest charting billboard albums
  15. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    She’s such a Leo moon/Scorpio rising
  16. I feel like half the time the outfits don’t match the category and it’s a bit of a hit or a miss. I’m glad Zendaya is co-chair I feel like she always does a really good job when it comes to the theme of course there are going to be a select few who get the vision and are going to ROCK it, but overall I’m keeping expectations on the low side. I think Lana is absolutely going to kill it.
  17. I can’t exactly remember it. I know it’s “imchic” and then there was numbers or extra letters or something
  18. Imchick (the reliable one) is the one that said September 20th and probably delayed pInsider is the one who said that random bs about an April release date, which makes absolutely no sense
  19. that was a different, not as reliable, account
  20. eclispe mentioned him and BOZ getting a cease and desist last year (the year before?)(that boz denied) so her team could definitely be keeping things under lock. When she announced she was dropping something in December, up until then it was crickets and it truly was a more ‘surprise release’ because the only thing we had leading up to that was Neil posting that flower on his twitter. I don’t necessarily think it’ll come out in September but I do think an early fall release (with a range from the rumored September 20th to October 25th) is definitely possible! We know for a “fact” (by an apparently reliable Twitter insider) that the label did have the 20th of September down for release
  21. She keeps taking all these pics with popular music celebrities just to release her 4th jack album
  22. That doesn’t have to be true! She submitted Ocean in September but insiders didn’t say a single thing about it until like January/February
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