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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. It’s possible she had been living in Oklahoma! She’s been hidden pretty well lately, and she strikes me as someone who can easily move around and put her roots down wherever the wind moves her
  2. She was unsure in this interview in August, and her little interview last week confirms she’s still unsure about the direction, so I really don’t see the album coming until Q3/Q4 next year.
  3. I love the hair! I’m upset that she already has plans of dying it brunette again
  4. I find it so interesting how open and transparent she’s been this era about not being satisfied with where her music is. Tropico/UV went through major changes, LFL went through major changes, RCS/BB went through major changes but she never talked about it, she’s been so open and transparent this time around about not being completely happy with what she’s created
  5. This was a really good interview! I do think it’s interesting how she ends the interview talking about marriage. She had to have been engaged by this point with how heavy on her mind it was it’s interesting that she knew she had to leave Hollywood to find love/marriage. After wanting to leave since 2020 I’m glad she did and got what she wanted
  6. At this rate we might as well make this the LDRX pre-pre release thread
  7. Keep it civil in here. We can have different opinions and still keep it respectful and have conversation.
  8. I hate to say it but if that’s how you feel than your overall perception of what the government is and what the government does is secretly lacking. Israel, for better or worse, IS our biggest ally in the Middle East, and no politician in America can just cut them off and announce completely ending support, like that just can’t happen, and any politician who says otherwise is full of it and doesn’t understand the implications of that. I am absolutely not in support of what Israel is doing and I think it’s horrific, and I do wish America would focus on its own problems and issues, but ending a decades long alliance would do more harm than good. It is wild to me that you have Trump saying he wants Israel to level Palestine and has actively been in talks with the Israel government (even having them at his private residence) to stop any kind of peace deals, and Kamala doing everything she can as both the sitting vice president and current candidate to show that she does support the Palestinian people, and say they’re 99.9% the same. That is dangerous thinking and quite honestly it’s very privileged thinking.
  9. This narrative of “Kamala is in office right now” is so tired because yes she is in office, but she is the vice president, which historically is basically a fluff position. You can’t name a single thing Pence did while he was vice president or what Biden did while Obama was president, but suddenly Kamala isn’t doing anything. she has 3 basic duties. 1) be the senate tie breaking vote (which she did when she passed the inflation reduction act) 2) do jobs the president delegates to her (which for her was solving the issues of why immigrants from 3 countries were coming into America, which she did work on and did fix) 3) step in if something happens to the President. There isn’t much she can do regarding what is currently happening more than she already is doing (being vocal about wanting a ceasefire and not attending events regarding Israel) which personally I think are a two very big actions.
  10. Well you have Kamala who is far from perfect but has been very vocal about a ceasefire and wanting a two state solution and didn’t participate when Israel’s leader visited. or you have trump who is actively working against a ceasefire and wants to completely and totally level Palestine* I really don’t understand how people think there is no difference.
  11. The biggest take away from this for me is that he considers Americans who go against him more evil than literal dictators, which he also took the time to compliment AGAIN. How anyone can hear him compliment Xi because he “commands a billion people with an iron fist” and not be even a little afraid is beyond me. Maga loves Trump because he tells it how it is, but the second he “tells it how it is”, no he didn’t. And if he did, it was taken out of context, and if it wasn’t taken out of context it was a joke. im sorry but 3 hours of him weaving random thoughts together isn’t being mentally sharp. Him ending a town hall and dancing and swaying around isn’t mentally sharp.
  12. I don’t mind super stripper back because I liked the Henry snippet and NOTG is one of my favorite Lana songs. But it definitely sounds like everything is on pause and I’m not confident in the double singles anymore. Also I see no hint of a secret project. It sounds like she’s just taking some time for herself. Which is fine with me! She’s been saying she wants to take a break for years now
  13. moved because it was a troll and irrelevant to the thread.
  14. NikoGo

    Lady Gaga

    “Some insider” sis it was Mr. S, that’s like THE insider
  15. Plenty of people have teased a photoshoot before we got it throughout the years
  16. Not yall thinking she’s dropping a perfume line before her next album
  17. “We simply cannot wait. But good news for diehard fans: Before the record drops, Del Rey promises there will be more singles on the way. You can expect a follow-up to her latest, “Tough” with Quavo, very soon. In Del Rey’s own words: “We have two more coming out by the end of the year!”” very soon.
  18. the only way we knew about the license was because the clerk leaked it, but to answer your question, yes. Marriage licenses are public information so someone could find if it's been filed.
  19. this!! she’s a human not a machine! Plus, every single era since NFR she has said she’s burnt out/lacking inspiration and then proceeds to release a full album. I think she deserves to take a break for once, and she isn’t even taking that much of a break, we just got a brand new single/video 3 months ago. Most artists 10+ years in the game are releasing their 4th or 5th album, she’s already on her 10th album so I don’t care if she’s not in a rush to release. It’ll come when it comes.
  20. Idk why but I feel like we aren’t getting the singles this year.
  21. The way we’ve gotten multiple different answers as to how “Lana Del Rey” came to be tbh this does sound the most believable, but then that really make GPSOTSOMFWHDSF sound like a bit of a lie. Something something contain multitudes
  22. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I hope she doesn’t post him tbh her fans are her biggest haters and there’s probably a reason she doesn’t post/talk about her relationships. The last one she talked about was Mike and fans went insane and he ended up making his account private
  23. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    And she should!! It’s so weird how celebrities are literally stalked with drones. Also it’s super weird that they’re photoshopping her ring I’m glad to hear they’re happy
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