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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. If it does leak, it won’t be until the week of. This week coming up is gonna be a bo(a)r(e).
  2. I can’t believe people are really asking for a dealer leak imagine the breakdown when she includes it on the next album and we get months of “wHy WoUlD sHe ReLeAsE a LeAkEd SoNg!?!!” if y’all wanna leak ask for something not in the works for the next album Quit asking for a COTCC leak while you’re at it
  3. On a plus side, only a little over 10 days and 19 hours until NZ release!!!
  4. no..she’s extremely against them and has said herself she won’t put out another deluxe edition of an album!
  5. I don’t mind the lowkey release and the silence but like, with 11 days left, I’m starting to feel really antsy/excited and I wish there was more for us to be exited about. Like I get the album is coming in less than two weeks but we can’t keep discussing that we need something. A new song, a new video, a trailer, an Instagram post, SOMETHING
  6. Next week is going to be a long one if she doesn’t do something soon On the plus side with how crazy everyone is going it shouldn’t be hard to beat NFR’s prerelease thread in total pages! Chemtrails will be out the 19th
  7. Ya’ll need to take a breather and get off Twitter/random websites. There is no way the album is delayed without notice, less than two weeks before the album drops. Ben said last week it was coming, her website says it’s coming, random stores (target) say it’s coming
  8. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    If she is using a mask at the party she’s not wearing it right, her cheek is definitely not covered so her nose certainly can’t be. And if she’s that sick she would pose maskless right next to Charlie
  9. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    No it doesn’t she’s well enough to be at a party and take a selfie, she’s well enough to press post on Instagram announcing/releasing a single it’s not like she’s gonna drop it then perform live on TV or go to multiple radio shows
  10. February flew by for me but this week (and especially today) seemed to be going super slow! I feel like we should be getting the album next week instead of having another full week before it comes out. I’m getting really nervous for this weekend and next week I do hope WD comes out next Friday to help accelerate the wait until the 19th. I also am really hoping for homemade TJF video to finally surface the 19th too! (Idc I love her homemade videos, even the not so good ones they seem very ‘in the moment’ and I love feeling like we’re getting a look into her life)
  11. I’m just chillen I’m excited for the album and every song on it and I’m so stoked that we’re almost out of the ‘teens’ when talking about number of days left. Like we’re super close to single digits and that excites me enough
  12. that’s so weird i know the merch ones said that but I hadn’t seen one that said the music was out!
  13. did they change the ad tho? I was getting bombarded with ads and today is the first time I’ve noticed them say “available now” they said that for the merch slides, but not the album
  14. I know the ads on Facebook are similar if I find one I’ll post it too, but it’d basically the same thing
  15. Different topic, has anyone else noticed that ALL the ads being ran now on social media all say “out now!” about the album?? I noticed it on Facebook awhile ago and just noticed it now on Instagram. They didn’t even let their ad people know the album is delayed
  16. She’s never delayed a project she has *formally* announced there were some clues September 5th wasn’t going to happen. 1) (and most important) the 5th was a Saturday. Right then and there any credibility was gone, there’s no way a label would let her release on a Saturday 2) there was no hints or teasing of the record at all. Ben said “new music soon! ?” in August, less than a month before the album was supposed to come out. And said “new SONGS in 2020” further cementing it wasn’t coming out I love Lana and her art but the girl can’t be trusted for a date as far as we can throw her. But. she’s not going to delay an album that is up for preorder, being promoted by the label’s social media, and has a set date. She’s not. when we say “she doesn’t delay announced projects” we don’t mean Violets Jan 4th, COTCC Sep 5th, AS&C Christmas. We mean she doesn’t delay “preorder my new project! Out [xx]
  17. All this ‘the album is being delayed! It has to be!’ Talk is sending me RIGHT back to the beginning of January when “omg the single and preorder is being delayed! She hasn’t mentioned it once and now she made the Instagram post that she’s disappearing! I can’t believe she’s delaying it how selfish and lazy!!1!”
  18. I can’t compare title tracks yet because despite it being almost two months, Chemtrails still sounds super fresh to me and I don’t want to place it at top quite yet (Right now it’s HM=COTCC>UV>BTD>LFL>NFR)
  19. it doesn’t help that this is the ‘driest’ pre-release we’ve ever had. By this point we’ve always had 30 second song snippets to discuss, multiple music videos, a handful of songs, an album trailer, and promo building up. Mojo mag was super fun but it was the only eventful thing that happened all of February (minus her WD teasers) and so far March has been just as dry. we’re stuck in a loop because nothing is happening at all
  20. I know it isn’t explicitly said, but based on her interviews, her past songs, and the way the instrumental builds up throughout the whole song, I think Chemtrails is a metaphor for the chaos all around us that we’re both aware of, but can’t reach out to fix. Just going off ‘Chemtrails”... It’s a conspiracy theory that has many different paths depending on who you ask. (Some say it’s weather control, some say it’s chemicals in the air to affect us/our mood, some say it’s total BS) I think it’s just the fact that the chaos is there no matter where we are (The country club, the market, school, the pool) and as aware of the chaos as we can be, we can’t fix it. It’s there and it threatens us no matter where we are or what we’re doing (our hair, laundry) but that’s just a theory....a Lana theory
  21. she never posted it before it was reviled! Someone found it hidden away in her website!
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