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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. The difference I feel for Yosemite being on Chemtrails Over The Country Club, is a completely different feeling than when TNBAR was announced for NFR. like when I saw TNBAR I was so disappointed to see a 2 year demo turned into an album track, after waiting almost a year for the album I saw Yosemite and instantly gasped because I was so excited to have a LFL song on the album. Her description for the song, and getting the album credits, really just make it another one of my most hyped song to finally have!
  2. Did I miss something, why is everyone saying 18 days?? It’s 19 right? Albums are released midnight eastern time globally, correct? Or is that an old rule?
  3. 78+ new replies of the same old fight with the same old people my favorite “we have nothing to talk about” song. y’all are all in your feelings tonight worse than Friday
  4. since I’ve already ordered two copies (therefore doing my part and supporting the good sis) I’ll probably end up listening, no matter how much I tell myself I won’t. Unless it’s super LQ like NFR, then I’ll wait, that’s no way to have a first listen and I do regret that But I’m still holding out hope it won’t leak, because we know Lana won’t be happy. the irony if it leaks before WD is released though but in all seriousness I don’t see it leaking
  5. I can’t believe tomorrow we’re in the ‘teens’ until we officially get the album I remember when we were in the teens to get the album preorder and music video...we really wished away Christmas and new year and already the album is almost here
  6. I just can’t believe one of our overall most hyped song (TJF) was the title track at one point both her and Jack have said really good things about it so we know it’s about to be a serve
  7. If it’s legit, it’s an old Lana song. Nothing on Chemtrails, minus title track, have strings. discussing fake snippets doesn’t belong on the Chemtrails page
  8. Eclipse never should of told ya’ll the chords for this song because now every nobody can record them on some random music creating software and call it an ‘exclusive leak’ and get the gays hyped up for nothing. when/if anything leaks, it’s not going to be by Darla, or any other wanna be insider. It’s gonna be on degree with no name attached, to avoid repercussions.
  9. they even used your pic too sis your iconic now!!! I don’t think she’s gonna post anything White Dress related until later this week or next week! But I didn’t think she’d post a teaser until next week and she posted it yesterday so what do I know
  10. The album Instagram caption, and her general mindset for this album feels very what the whole Lust For Life album trailer did. Talking about how these uncertain times aren’t new, and every generation faces its own problems that we have to overcome imagine it We’re getting a cohesive Lust For Life, so thought out she can even include Yosemite She’s giving us the gloom, and the music for us to overcome it
  11. She’s said before she thinks White Dress is “really really good” for Anne Mac, I wonder why she changed her mind and suddenly felt it was rough to listen to for Mojo..
  12. The way you’re absolutely right it feels like a more powerful expression of the mindset she had during 2016/2017 (when the world was at war before, we just kept dancing) and she really progressed on that in The Greatest, focusing in on the turmoil, and now we have a whole album full of it. She used a word, I can’t remember what it was, and said that she’s always seen the crashing of the world. She said she’s hyper aware of what’s happening I’m so excited!!
  13. That teaser has to be the into to the video right? the screen going black after that introduction to the song starting would be a whole serve
  14. It’s not coming tomorrow also, I can’t at all of you “my hype is completely gone!!” Lana does the bare minimum “we love her again!!!” poor girl probably only posted this teaser since her post from last night was all “where is white dress!?!?!?” so, moral of the story, harassment works
  15. Now where is the date like why not include that, idc if it’s the 12th I just wanna know what
  16. i highly doubt she is going on any kind of break.. she’s recorded 2 cover albums, told us in the livestream in November “I’m still recording” and mentioned again in an interview that she’s still recording.. I definitely think she isn’t going to work with Jack for the next album, but she’s definitely not feeling a break. She isn’t going to take a break while her current sound is being left at ‘tbd’
  17. Throwback to last week when ‘insiders’ said they were going to leak the whole album today. thank god they didn’t. I can’t believe we only have 21 days! (It’s gonna be less for sure because it always leaks a week or so early! (So only about 15-20 days away!))
  18. It’s the rose tinted glasses not to mention how many people absolutely despised that she was “going back to the BTD sound” after UV UV had the best rollout with the fewest meltdowns as far as I remember, but no matter what she does people aren’t going to be 100% happy And everyone is saying the hype is dead but the second she posts a release date for White Dress all will be forgiven and we’ll be at peace again
  19. her UV playlist updates today also had anyone noticed that on Apple Music ‘Dance Till We Die’ doesn’t have any album artwork yet. It’s super weird
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