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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I can’t at ya’ll trashing this like you expected some high-def video It’s beautiful, and a nice look into her day to day life, and she looks so good. I’d take a video like this that is full of her heart and soul versus a high budget music video but that’s just my opinion
  2. BABY LET ME COUNT THE WAVES I can’t get over this song, I did NOT expect to like it this much the vocal layering, the guitar, THE BRIDGE
  3. The lnk.to we found the other day now works like a normal lnk.to and doesn’t just randomly open up Spotify!! here’s to hoping she says something about it!
  4. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Remember when we all got super hype with her two violet posts at the end of September and we were convinced we were in for a treat, and she followed up the two glam posts with the black box hallucinogenics single cover we were so full of hope then, COCCtober was right around the corner and we were convinced she was about to drop major album news hard to believe that was almost 3 weeks ago already! I don’t think she’s announcing anything anytime soon so she has plenty of time to post two more things so her feed will be in line If the album is coming out around the two dates she gave, I’d expect the first promo single mid November, so that’s at least 2 more posts (I’m assuming with the election coming up she’s going to be posting about it a little bit, I know she posted about the last election) and that’s me being team Delulu
  5. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I just don’t get why she did interview magazine and suddenly that mask was the cool thing to wear she wore proper masks literally since the first candid shot we got of her when the mask issue was placed...why switch up now idgi
  6. Oh I’m sure they will be!! In that infamous QFTC post she mentioned that she was talking about how she was feeling now, in both the album and poetry book! I can’t wait to see the connection!! I’ve been connecting Violet and NFR, every time I reread a poem I try to connect the feelings and mood to a song! There’s some that click right away and others I either find one or two, or none! I’m sure it will be! Since she’s talking about documenting her thoughts in both book and album, we already know the Midwest really got to her music wise, it’s only safe to assume Iron is also going to touch on that!
  7. I loved the cinnamon connection too!! This one and ringtone!!
  8. worded that wrong.. not that she’s trying and failing to look glam (because she has been on a whole different level lately) but just the fact that she’s trying and putting effort into it! She’s not just showing up in adidas leggings with neon eyeliner. She’s putting real effort in
  9. Well now sis needs to post 2 more times because her Instagram is all out of line now
  10. Not WhiteHotsForever saying they were talking about this she looks so stunning!! Loving her trying to look glam again!
  11. Ugh I want news too, but I feel like going just to ask about the album is rude and not in good taste, she’s there to celebrate her newest project, not talk about an upcoming one she better spill a little tea tho
  12. So I’m happy you’re all getting the vinyl/cd’s because I just went to her site to order the vinyl and it still says pre-order...I wasn’t sure if that was an accident or if it actually wasn’t out yet..her website itself does say that the audiobook and hardcover are available now
  13. I’m so happy to see sportcruiser is the most popular poem I’ve loved it so much since July, it really speaks to me and feels so personal and the message UGH she’s amazing
  14. I’m pretty sure she meant not to get her autograph tattoo’d there’s multiple videos of people either saying they were going to get her signature tattoo’d or showing her they did get her signature tattoo’d and that’s what seemed to be the issue for her I don’t recall her ever saying anything negative about her tattoos
  15. I love how the pages show some stains, and crinkles on the corner, and the letters having obvious water stains, it just makes the whole book feel not so mainstream and prim and proper, it feels very Lana I also love that there a couple poems that she wrote notes all over and changed, and the next page is the ‘final’ version I can’t get over how beautiful this whole project is
  16. My copy just arrived via amazon and I LOVE it! It feels so personal and like I’m getting notes from an old friend..I can’t wait to dive deep into it tomorrow I’m so excited the day is finally here and I’m actually physically holding the book she’s been so excited about for 2 years now!! truly feels surreal, this is just as good as getting an album from her (possibly better, I’ve always been a reader and I feel this has a deeper level than her music (not that her music isn’t deep and extremely personal!))
  17. her friend, or her sister’s friend, or something like that I woke up to like 10 pages and thought something happened so I was just glancing the posts I also feel like we should be getting some news around then too, if not then I don’t even wanna think about when we’ll actually get the album
  18. They’ve been dating for like a month now and this is the first time he’s posted about her right? And to defend him, she posted him on her story first soo
  19. I get it’s frustrating but idk what ya’ll were expecting, we knew it was gonna be a rerun through and through, but if her friend says the album isn’t coming out soon, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we don't get it until 2021
  20. We’ve been getting at least bi-weekly at this point...the latest was just today 3rd (or 4th) times the charm right?? that witch needs to post something, ever since our false hope for the BBC lounge yesterday, it hit me how little news we’ve gotten at all that aside, I’m still happily team delulu....I mean team cocctober I loved the snippets, but as a whole the song just feels...off
  21. Wow I leave for an hour and come back to 11 new pages, I JUMPED aaaaaand I’m glad I missed it I wouldn’t get hopeful that this means something is coming, it’s been happening a LOT lately
  22. I completely agree!! Since September was their goal and they didn’t hit it, the album is just being pushed back a little
  23. I’m always team delusional at first, right when things ‘start’ to happen, and then I calm down to team realistic, maybe I should join carefully optimistic and stay a happy middle level
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