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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. Whenever this comes out, it better include “Walking After Midnight” In the livestream she name drops wanting to do Patsy Cline songs, and walking after midnight always seemed like a song Lana would sing
  2. I think Bel Air is incredible from start to finish. ”Lead me to war with your brilliant direction” ”you’ve got a flair, for the violentest kind of love anywhere out there“ ”didn’t anybody ever tell you it’s okay to shine?” “Grenadine, sunshine—can you fade inside of mine?”
  3. I’m so jealous that she’s wearing a short skirt and slippers..there’s snow here and I want the warm weather so bad Her hair looks fantastic in the third pic, looks like it’s blowing in the wind
  4. I just noticed the Instagram post she made today is a selfie from yesterday! She’s wearing the same gray shirt!
  5. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    For me, Summertime and the video is not for the cover album and was its own thing that she threw together quickly for charity. I could be wrong, and maybe whenever the cover album is officially announced/released maybe she’ll mention the ‘first single’ Summertime, but until she does I see it as its own thing I’m pretty sure they all dropped hints! I remember the makeup artist and back up dancer posting that tik tok and I think Sheridan re-posted it to his story!
  6. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I have not forgotten about the charity single that was not ever confirmed to be for the covers album.
  7. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    i would say COTCC, the covers album doesn’t even have a first video yet
  8. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Ooooh!! Second video wonder what song it is for!
  9. I very much want this! New Lana music (even if it is an album full of covers) is always exciting. Granted I don’t want it as much because the lead single is two weeks away But I would still very much like this record
  10. she announced UV to be released May 1st but it didn’t come out until June. The only album that’s come out ‘on time’ is BTD/P and HM and even paradise doesn’t count because Tropico was ‘releasing soon’ for almost a year
  11. Did you not read what I said before you quoted me? I said it is frustrating, annoying, and rude. I’m not making excuses for her, but at the same times....yikes. She’s still working on it and I don’t see it as entitled or troubling that she isn’t giving us details every step of the way. Some people just aren’t good at communicating and while it would have been nice to get some kind of update regarding the record (“hey guys record is coming along!”) I’m not mad about it because it’s to be expected. Not to be one of those ‘she doesn’t owe us anything’ people BUUUUT. She doesn’t owe us anything. We know the record is being worked on, and I hardly see it as an ethical blind spot that she doesn’t communicate well. She has big intentions and she follows through. I know this is Lanaboards and we’re all big fans of her, but I’m not gonna come on here and disrespect her because she’s taking longer than she thought. She should have not gave an estimated release date, and we wouldn’t be in this boat. Same with COTCC, we’re only 3 months past her og date but that doesn’t mean it’s not coming. I trust her process and know whenever we get the covers album, it’ll be amazing and it’ll be perfected vs what we would have gotten yesterday. Thanks for the correction! Take her ‘it’s delayed’ tweet as more proof. she says she lost 9 days of work and the delay is going to be a month. She is terrible at communication, but it’s not like she scrapped violets...and what we got was an incredible record. this cover album will come when it comes
  12. Well my reply was to someone saying we need to get anything and we’re starving because of it, and I was pointing out that we still got something. I didn’t say it was funny or cute, I’ve said before her lack of communication is frustrating and annoying but she’s been like this since Tropico and while it is rude to her fans/supporters, it’s just in her nature. The Jan 4th for violets that wasn’t delayed until jan 5th really made me not really care about anything she announces until it’s set in stone. Which while is shitty advice, it works
  13. that’s what I think too!! she could have easily pushed out an album of covers in a month, but the more she dove into it the more potential she saw for it and the more she wants to do with it! I definitely think this is going to end up being more than just ‘a digital’ as she called it and it’s going to be a bigger release! And I’m completely okay with waiting, I laughed when she mentioned this being released on Christmas and the day coming and going with no word from her is on brand we aren’t starving! We got Violet audio book in July and the book in September, she’s still working hard
  14. Okay I sense the annoyance that she hasn’t said anything... It’s Lana, of course her impromptu livestream from Denny’s while watching the election announcement isn’t going to actually happen when it should. I don’t think she’s going to post anything and I don’t think it’s actually coming Christmas (although I really wish it would). I think her idea for the record is too grand for a quick month turnaround...one of the producers posted a pic of an instrument, strongly hinting they’ve been recording recently, and the backup singer posted that it’s been nice to work with Lana. The band she’s working with for the covers album has been doing everything with her (Fallon show, music video, summertime). I strongly believe she is working hard on this, but it’s unknown if it’s coming before or after Chtemtrails. BUT, I’m completely confident whenever we do get it, it’s gonna be incredible, and the overall record will be better because her and everyone involved have more time to perfect it!! is it annoying that she hasn’t said anything about it?? Yes. But. I’ve stanned Lana for so long now I kind of phase the lack of communication out. That’s just how she is, always has been and always will be lol. In the first look at COTCC she literally says “see you soon 2030!” And during the livestream she said “I know I don’t keep you guys updated” she knows, she just isn’t gonna fix it so
  15. less than 3 weeks!! 2 weeks and 4 days this is going to be the longest half month ever followed by a longer two and a half months
  16. mastering means when the song was done done done. They may have been working on the songs for a little while. Like HIAB..it wasn’t done until June of ‘18 but it was the first one she teased in February (?). Also HTD, we got the first look at that one around October of ‘18 but they kept working on it until January ‘19. So it’s very possible Love Song was the first one they did together, but they kept working on it until August and that’s very possible because we know how long Lana can hold onto a song
  17. That’s super interesting!! So FIILY and DT were the only ones she worked on after tweeting in March of 19 that “the record is done but who knows when it’ll come out” maybe there was pressure to have a ‘radio’ song date all! bartender is N/A but that one and TNBAR were done *before* Norman, because she talked about Bartender saying it was ‘weird’ and ‘didn’t have a place yet’
  18. Despite the happy COTCC news I’m very sad we aren’t getting this so soon
  19. that’s what I figured same with Fallon, the album wasn’t mentioned at all then either. Thank for for lnk.to and Shazam to at least give us confirmation it’s actually a real album I definitely can’t wait to hear her sing silent night! I love when she sings Christmas songs (remember the meltdowns last week when we thought she was going to sing Christmas songs? Who would have known we were right just a week off)
  20. So probably a dumb question but when LMLYLAW was announced as being the song she was singing, did they at least mention ‘new album’ at all? Or does it still only exist to Lana fans
  21. Glad you all seemed to like it! Hopefully the video is posted soon I wanna watch it!
  22. Is anyone gonna be recording it for those of us who can’t watch it or are we going to be able to go on twitch tomorrow and watch it? I’m not expecting any kind of announcement but I still do want to see her perform! she shines best in these kind of settings
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