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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I can’t wait to be proven wrong Monday we’re so close!! Only a little over 3 days left let me hold u like a bby on NBC it flat out states that her latest single is LMLYLAW so realistically she’s gonna perform that. It’s going to be a nice little surprise if Jimmy says anything other than ‘Here’s Lana Del Rey performing her new single LMLYLAW’ with the single cover and that’ll be it. idk I just really feel like this is something she’d be hyping up, or at least anyone would be teasing something from BTS, they have been every time anything at all happens. it’s complete radio silence nobody has said anything maybe Taylor really did eff up the plans
  2. yeah that’s it! We may have found out about the covers eventually but I’m pretty sure (and I could deff be wrong!) that for a moment we were excited to be getting at least one new song
  3. i have flashbacks to when she was doing the one show (I can’t for the life of me remember the name) before NFR came out and we ALL said the same things and the only two songs she sang was Doin Time (which yes, was on the album) and Break Up With Your Girlfriend. I still say we aren’t in the clear until we see what she’s performing Monday because things that make sense and seem logical just don’t apply to the good sis I do think there’s a better chance of LMLYLAW than a cover, but we have noooo idea
  4. What time do the performers usually perform? I’ve never watched Jimmy Fallon (he’s never been my fav) and it says that the show starts weeknights at 11:35EST. So is she gonna perform before midnight and release the song midnight Tuesday? Drop the song and video before the performance? my clown clothes and wig is off but my face is still a little white and I’m rocking the nose
  5. I mean I’m assuming lol i’m guessing between five and eight tracks
  6. As excited as I was to get COTCC, I still am really excited to get this cute little ep soon!
  7. If she’s performing the cover song, literally post that Red single cover for YNWA, say how excited you are to perform it for the first time, boom. That’s it. That is all that needs to be done and we wouldn’t be running around in circles saying ‘OMG COCC FRIDAY’ (yes I’m well aware of one of those people, but I crash a lot faster and see through the hype quickly)
  8. In closing, because I know I’m beating a dead horse and spamming this thread if A) her debut album was NFR or B) I was introduced to her with NFR I wouldn’t be as big of a fan of hers as I am now. Her first 4 albums are definitely a different sound and world than NFR, and my music taste falls more along the records that made me fall in love with her and her world. I’m not saying NFR is a bad album, it’s just vastly different than the world she had built and not so much my cup of tea. Do I want her to go back to an old sound? Heck no! I want her to evolve and grow. But if anything LMLYLAW is NFR 2.0 and I can’t help but be a little more disappointed. After QFTC and her instagram post of her stripping in Tropico with the caption ‘#fuckoff’ I got really hopeful. THATS what I want. Bad bitch, idgaf vibes. I’m hoping Chemtrials touches on that more and is a return to form.
  9. I probably came off ruder than I intended. All I’m trying to say is it’s completely okay that some people see NFR as an amazing body of work and don’t see the criticisms I have for it. But at the same time, some of us can’t help but feel disappointed that part of the Lana appeal seemed (to me, not saying everyone thinks the same say) to fade away a little. It isn’t just her lyrical content, I want beats in her songs, I want strings, I want ambiance, I want to really feel like I’m in her world. Norman was good storytelling wise (and having Violets tie into it was an amazing touch) but it is slightly annoying that you can’t say you miss all these things without being labeled a BTD fanboy who just needs to ‘move past’ the album that initially hooked me.
  10. I definitely don’t think BTD is her best, and I don’t want a BTD 2.0 (or 2.0 of any record she’s made) she’s had so many iconic lyrical moments throughout her career (her song writing definitely didn’t just magically stop with BTD), it just seems like the girl who came full circle and sang “Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind I want to get off but I keep riding the ride” went back to singing “lying on your chest, in my party dress, I’m a fucking mess” like...where’s the fire. this is the unpopular opinion thread and I know me not liking NFR is a very unpopular opinion. she went from having lush strings, ambiance sprinkled throughout her songs (God Knows I Tried had crickets, 13B had SO many little sound effects and noises that made the song so full) and NFR had strings that don’t add a thing to the overall song and hardly any kind of beats (CG being an exception, I would have killed for a full song that sounds like the last minute) I can be critical and still like her edit: plus, the two songs I’m quoting as saying I miss aren’t even BTD. They’re paradise (which yes is an EP but also feels very much like it’s own body if work)
  11. The lack of communication on Lana’s part is getting super frustrating. I know she lives her own life and has flat out said she doesn’t care about losing fans, but it wouldn’t kill her to communicate even a little. It’s always been a problem with her but it’s getting increasingly bad. First the September 5th date coming and going with her saying nothing, the book signing where she threw two days around, the instagram live on Election Day where she flat out says “I was planning on making an official announcement but this will do” and now her performance planned for Monday. Even if she is going to sing Chemtrails (which I’m finding more and more unlikely) she could at least post a ‘Catch you Monday’ to announce it. I’m also in agreement with the others who say she’s really losing what made her music unique. The woman who sang her Pussy tastes like Pepsi cola, had to touch herself to pretend her man was there, was being led to war with her man’s brilliant direction...gone, now her mans just being a jerk :/
  12. NikoGo

    Taylor Swift

    I can’t wait to cry my heart out to a new album so soon after getting Folklore!! Those songs still haven’t even registered with me and we’re getting 15 new tracks tonight Not a lot going on my ASS lowkey was hoping for a rerelease but will take a brand new album
  13. coming from the same girl who announced the album while still waiting for the poetry book she announced as ‘Jan 4th’ if anyone can do it, she can!! AS&C 2021!!!
  14. If she’s releasing the title track this week and premiering it Monday imagine how hard it’s gonna slap when the BTS guy said the song was ‘fire’ I got my hopes up and now I’m reaching levels of delusion
  15. In before she performs born to die and either video games or blue jeans backing vocals set at 75% band set at 85% and her vocals at 15% jimmy will congratulate her on born to die charting for so long, and that’ll be it a DREAM
  16. As if the only thing I’m referring to is that. This isn’t the right thread to get into this discussion but. 1)the driving video with her driving to Eminem and showing the road while driving. 2)mesh mask 3)the lashings on Twitter to ‘defend’ herself where she ends up digging herself in deeper. (Lying about the mesh mask for one of many examples) I agree completely that the QFTC thing wasn’t wrong (maybe a little wrong worded but the message itself wasn’t wrong) nor am I a ‘Twitter snowflake’ aching to get offended by anything. I couldn’t give two craps what she does. I still proudly stan her, buy her overpriced merch, and steam the absolute crap out of her music. Overall it has been a rough year to Stan her when she could have taken the L from the criticism about OFTC. (which her normal fan base and the ones who support her understood what she meant) instead she doubled down and added more negative press, falsely announced an album at the end as a sort of ‘Ah Ha!’ And then kept getting into crap but it obviously didn’t hurt her popularity. Her Instagram posts get at least over 500,000 likes on almost anything she posts. She was asked to cover Summertime and this song. And she’s really showing off her vocals on both and it gives me hope for the album after Chemtrails that she most likely is going to start working on soon once the covers album is done (or she already is)
  17. Of those 8 things you mentioned, Lana only released 3 of them And this year has been difficult to be a fan... a different controversy each month, delaying the album by almost a year im hoping the classics album makes up for a little bit of it
  18. the chance of it getting a vinyl are super slim since she’s releasing it digitally because of COTCC’s vinyl delay I expect some kind of CD/ITunes pre order in the near future since her original announcement for the project has a Christmas release date..but we will see! She isn’t the most reliable when it comes to release dates
  19. NikoGo

    Miley Cyrus

    Is there a master post of She Is Miley demos?? I loved the EP she released and then stopped keeping up with her after all the delays and I’ve been loving this album and have it on repeat and now like a greedy gay guy I want more
  20. NikoGo

    Twitter Updates

    I get scared every time Twitter update has new replies
  21. I haven’t seem anyone talk about it, is the picture that’s being used to advertise free ground shipping with orders over $100 new or photoshopped? I’m also still amazed that a $100 box was sold out (twice? Or just once) without a single word from her.
  22. his latest post also says “coming soon” I hope it’s for chemtrails but I doubt it We’ll finally know once and for all if she is brunette again too!!
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