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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. She’s never delayed a project she has *formally* announced 


    there were some clues September 5th wasn’t going to happen. 

    1) (and most important) the 5th was a Saturday. Right then and there any credibility was gone, there’s no way a label would let her release on a Saturday 

    2) there was no hints or teasing of the record at all. Ben said “new music soon! ?” in August, less than a month before the album was supposed to come out. And said “new SONGS in 2020” further cementing it wasn’t coming out 


    I love Lana and her art but the girl can’t be trusted for a date as far as we can throw her. 


    she’s not going to delay an album that is up for preorder, being promoted by the label’s social media, and has a set date. She’s not. 

    when we say “she doesn’t delay announced projects” we don’t mean Violets Jan 4th, COTCC Sep 5th, AS&C Christmas. We mean she doesn’t delay “preorder my new project! Out [xx]

  2. 2 minutes ago, plastiscguy said:

    It's gotten to a point where we're all so tired and on edge, that there's a new fight every hour :toofunny:

    Don't know how we managed to survive the past eras, but it's clear we don't know how much we can handle as we're worn out. 


    Thankfully, there's only two weeks left and time does certainly fly (at least, to me) so this nightmare will be over soon, until the next album :makeup:


    it doesn’t help that this is the ‘driest’ pre-release we’ve ever had. By this point we’ve always had 30 second song snippets to discuss, multiple music videos, a handful of songs, an album trailer, and promo building up. 

    Mojo mag was super fun but it was the only eventful thing that happened all of February (minus her WD teasers) and so far March has been just as dry. 

    we’re stuck in a loop because nothing is happening at all :bebe:

  3. I know it isn’t explicitly said, but based on her interviews, her past songs, and the way the instrumental builds up throughout the whole song, I think Chemtrails is a metaphor for the chaos all around us that we’re both aware of, but can’t reach out to fix. 

    Just going off ‘Chemtrails”... It’s a conspiracy theory that has many different paths depending on who you ask. (Some say it’s weather control, some say it’s chemicals in the air to affect us/our mood, some say it’s total BS)


    I think it’s just the fact that the chaos is there no matter where we are (The country club, the market, school, the pool) and as aware of the chaos as we can be, we can’t fix it. It’s there and it threatens us no matter where we are or what we’re doing (our hair, laundry)


    but that’s just a theory....a Lana theory 

  4. I don’t necessarily agree that the trailer we got in December was the album trailer. That very much seemed like a music video trailer and preorder announcement.


    the same thing as the White Dress post last week, that wasn’t the album trailer either it was a snippet of the music video. 

    I don’t care one way or the other if we don’t get a trailer, but the two previews she has given us don’t count as an album trailer 

  5. 1 minute ago, new gods said:


    this is all making me feel like she really isn’t proud of the album.. she loves to show her work off but that doesn’t mean it’ll be bad i just think she wasn’t satisfied with the finished product. 

    I don’t think she’s satisfied with it either! She said for Interview magazine she wasn’t completely happy with it, and nothing has been done to the songs we’re getting since then (minus dealer and adding Yosemite). For Anne’s show she said she didn’t get where she wanted to go and the destination was ‘TBC’.


    I’m sure it’s going to be a beautiful album because she was completely happy with the songs, and was ready to submit them in May when she wrote QFTC. Something happened BTS that made her less satisfied!


    2 minutes ago, Vertimus said:


    But while 'silent,' she could easily low-key put out the 'American standards' album that never saw the light of day on Christmas. Perhaps towards the end of this year. 


    I don’t think the American Standards album exists anymore. She expanded that vision and now has two cover albums featuring two different genes! And while I agree she should have put it out, I don’t know when a good time would have been to do so. 

    When she announced it in November it was one album.. by December she was planning on dropping the title track and video early January. When she made the announcement in January it wouldn’t have made sense to release one or both of the albums since her ‘lead single’ was on its way. She couldn’t really release the albums in January or February because that’s cutting it super close to the album. 

    I think she’ll release one or both albums throughout the summer, depending on BTIG’s final release date 

  6. 1 minute ago, Lustrouslines said:

    When did say she was going silent? Man did she really fuck with us this album. I wonder why she doesn’t show anything for this album

    January 5th on Instagram :) 


    she confirmed she was compiling the next poetry book (aka end stage of putting it out) and  she’ll “be gone for awhile” while she finishes it up!


    Her original plan was to release this album as a surprise with ‘little fanfare’ so I’m not surprised she isn’t revealing too much. And I like the mystery and it’s making me more exited for the record



  7. Just now, Future Jazz said:

    yeah i think white dress is going to be teased one way or another before it gets released

    i can't believe we haven't got that much either but actually i'm really grateful i think it's for the best especially since we're at the end of the waiting period

    I definitely think it will be! ;)


    I also think it’s for the best we haven’t gotten a lot! During NFR’s prerelease, having a song teased in January of 18 that didn’t get released until August of 19 was exhausting and made the song feel extremely dated and old by time it finally released...the fact that we only have 2 songs, a snippet, and a live performance really makes this album feel super fresh on arrival! And the whole album is covered in a veil of secrecy!

    5 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    I did not meant revenue in a financial way, but in "what use does it have for the fans if she works but does not release"

    the fact that I know she’s recording and expanding her sound and vision is enough for me, even though I fully understand other people don’t have that perspective 

  8. I can’t believe two weeks away and she’s only teased one snippet, we have no album trailer, and we have no 30 second snippets of the album. 


    I have a strong feeling we’re going to get something between today and Tuesday. 

    either another preview of WD with the March 12th release date, or the album trailer (featuring some scenes of the White Dress video and probably snippets of COTCC, LMLYLAW, WD, and TJF)

  9. The album is not being delayed and I’m gonna need all of ya’ll to keep that negativity to yourselves :oprah2:

    She would never delay an album two weeks before the release date. She warned us she was going silent and the only reason Feb 26th was so traumatic to everyone is because you clung onto unconfirmed rumors and one website. If the website hasn’t been discovered, Lana’s post last week teasing White Dress wouldn’t have struck such a nerve. 

    breath, we have 13 (basically 12 at this point accounting for NZ release day, and even less than that accounting for the inevitable leak the week leading up to the 19th) days left and we’re just getting antsy.


    But no. No talk of it not coming out the 19th. 

  10. I don’t want to contribute to the “what’s wrong with Charlie” talk since we don’t know a thing about him and his personal life but I do have to agree he looks..rough. In his last video he posted ‘6AM business calls’ whoever was talking to him seemed very concerned about the 27 club and told Charlie to “be careful”


    I hope whatever (if there even is) is going on gets okay for him!!

  11. 20 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    We don’t really know how done those cover albums are.  I don’t think we will see Behind the Iron gate anytime soon ?

    I mean the MOJO magazine described them both (one country and one folk) she was clearly just experimenting with different sounds and I’m team Delulu and I think eventually we’ll get the albums. I’d rather have 2 polished cover albums than one rushed one. And she just announced in January she was starting the compiling process and she’s signed to S&S she can’t just not release it, and I think it’ll be soon 


    Just now, Thunder Corpse said:

    As long as she's not releasing them there is 0 revenue from her being busy. 


    I mean I’m sure she’s getting her coins from the 20,000 album variants she has for COTCC. We should be happy she isn’t rush releasing projects just to earn a little extra money, and I’m sure the rollout for the cover albums will be like any other ‘side’ project she’s worked on

  12. 1 minute ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    And yet, seeing all the new releases (singles and albums/EP), maybe it was a good idea to delay Chemtrails by two weeks. 

    im sure her team was aware of it and maybe that helped push the decision to do a slight delay. Although with Lana’s fanbase I don’t think it really matters when she releases. She drops something and it gets a lot of people talking 

  13. 15 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Lana is too lazy for that, she’d have to re-record all the songs.  She failed spectacularly at american classics then ignored she even announced it. 

    she’s not to lazy to re-record songs and she didn’t fail at the American Classics. She has not one but two cover albums already recorded :scoff:


    While releasing an album in two weeks and a poetry book soon


    The only thing we should be negative about today is the fact that we should have the album today 

  14. 5 minutes ago, normanrockweII said:

    Why can't she just announce a date in advance? :icant:

    she always does the second she has one! If she had went on IG live three weeks ago and said “White Dress Feb 26th” I would have laughed and moved on knowing it wasn’t happening. 

    When she announces something, she does announce it. (Even LMLYLAW since she did mention it before it was released in America). Next Thursday she could post the single cover on Instagram and say “song out tomorrow”


    she hasn’t announced a date because likely they’re still working on it 

  15. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be!



    1. Tulsa Jesus Freak

          This because it was the og title track at one point and reviewed positively by Lana and that snippet is amazing


    2. White Dress

         I think the Lizzy reference and looking super inward is going to be defining


    3. Chemtrails Over the Country Club

    4. Wild at Heart

         Chemtrails is definitely top tier track and WAH exploring the same theme makes me think the soundscape will be similar also. And I like the inward looking of ‘I’m not bored or unhappy’


    5. Breaking Up Slowly

         I’ve been waiting for this since she premiered it! The melody is super cute and catchy and the message hits a little to close to home


    6. Yosemite

         With LFL being my favorite album, any LFL track is more than welcomed! I was super disappointed when this ended up not on the tracklist


    7. Dark But Just a Game

         Excited for this one, with the title and description it could really go two ways. I will say I hope Jack’s quote isn’t a lyric (Falling down the rabbit hole while smiling (or however it went)) I find Alice In Wonderland references slightly overdone. 

    8. Not All Who Wander Are Lost

         I already love that quote and meaning behind it, so I’m also really exited about this one. I can see more Bible imagery being referenced here (I once was lost but now am found)


    9. Dance 'Til We Die

         While I like the positivity and meaning behind it I’m not super into when she gets super aware (And now I’m singing with Sean, I've been covering Joni and dancing with Joan) it makes it a little harder to relate to (if that makes sense)


    10. Let Me Love You Like a Woman

           Really cute album track, but so far if just seems the least appealing to me. Not to say I don’t like it but I’m the context of the album 


    11. For Free

           I’m not not excited for this one, it’s just one that will be a cute skip after my first inial rush of ‘new album!!’ runs off

  16. 1 minute ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I also thought it was done in 2017 alongside the other TLSP sessions at first, but someone here (I forgot who) confirmed that it was actually done in 2020! And I feel like it makes sense that it would be done after Jack had already gone back to New Jersey, especially since Lana and Zach did/have been doing two country albums since 2020! I also think Dealer will be on the next album if she does end up doing it fully with Zach!

    Excellent news!! I’ve been saying they should do an album together for quite awhile now! She seemed really in her element in Summertime and I really hope the two cover albums are eventually released! (She could even ‘fan gift’ drop them throughout the year)

    I really think Mojo was hinting at something since the last quote they used was lana saying “somethings brewing” 


    she probably is purposefully not mentioning it this time around 

  17. Just now, IanadeIrey said:

    No, I also don’t think she changed it! 

    I think it’s understood that Dealer was the last song done after April 2020 with Zach Dawes, so that would have been the only “last-minute addition”, since we know 8 out of the 11 tracks were done before the end of 2019, and one (Yosemite) was done in 2016, and the other (Dark But Just a Game) was done after February 9, 2020. Not All Who Wander Are Lost is the only song we don’t really have any information to guess when it was written/recorded, but yes, it seems that she didn’t adjust anything too much from her initial vision! I’m also so excited to hear it in full <3





    I’ve never thought about Dealer being done after the majority of Chemtrail songs :mj3:


    In my head I always thought of it as done way before (like around California). I love the idea that she didn’t include it because it really is going to be on the next record 

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