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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. I think my only complaint about the album so far is the two songs we have now that have an outro (title track) and end abruptly (LMLYLAW) aren’t going to flow perfectly into the next song. 

    Chemtrails has a 2 second silence at the end and LMLYLAW has 2.5/3 seconds of silence before the next song. I was hoping for a Freak into Art Deco moment where you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins. 

    Aka it’s not going to flow from Chemtrials right into TJF and it’s not going to flow seamlessly between LMLYLAW and Wild at Heart

  2. 19 minutes ago, Lustrouslines said:

    Fuck this album is going to blow everyone out of the water we truly know nothing about the soundscape :angie: we might know the instruments and some of the descriptions but we don’t know anything about how it will be interpreted personally into our lives or even the impact it may have on us... lets start claiming tracks! 

    For me I would have to say Tulsa Jesus Freak or Wild at Heart

    I’ve been claiming BUS since day one and holding on strong to that one 


    TJF because it was once the title track and Lana and Jack both described it as cool


    And honestly DBJAG, NAWWAL, and WAH are all going to be career highlights. 

    you also can’t forget Yosemite, DTWD, and For Free. I claim those too


    i also claim COTCC becuase it’s one of her best title tracks, and LMLYLAW is super cute so I claim her too. 

    And lastly I claim WD because it’s going to start the album off super strong 



  3. I’m not concerned about the lack of hype right now, because I’ve seen her post a snippet and get over 100 replies in 10 minutes.


    everyone who is saying it would have made sense to release the single last week and now the hype is gone, is going to be celebrating the second she does release it regardless of when that is. 

    If we survived October-January of just the one BTS of title track and one 10 second snippet, we can survive 2 weeks of nothing 

  4. 1 hour ago, Contemplating God said:

    There's also the quality of hearing almost nothing of the song, lol

    yeah but BAR sounded very out of place alongside the rest of the songs 


    I think Yosemite being Lana’s first venture into the ‘folky’ sound gives hope for the rest of the album because she always said she “wasn’t there” in LFL and now she is :defeated:

  5. The difference I feel for Yosemite being on Chemtrails Over The Country Club, is a completely different feeling than when TNBAR was announced for NFR. 

    like when I saw TNBAR I was so disappointed to see a 2 year demo turned into an album track, after waiting almost a year for the album


    I saw Yosemite and instantly gasped because I was so excited to have a LFL song on the album. Her description for the song, and getting the album credits, really just make it another one of my most hyped song to finally have!


  6. 15 minutes ago, AFFA said:

    If it leaks in HQ next week on the 5th (i wouldn’t be surprised, given the last minute release date change) will yall listen or wait til the 19th?

    since I’ve already ordered two copies (therefore doing my part and supporting the good sis) I’ll probably end up listening, no matter how much I tell myself I won’t. 

    Unless it’s super LQ like NFR, then I’ll wait, that’s no way to have a first listen and I do regret that


    But I’m still holding out hope it won’t leak, because we know Lana won’t be happy. 

    the irony if it leaks before WD is released though :thumb2:


    but in all seriousness I don’t see it leaking 

  7. Eclipse never should of told ya’ll the chords for this song because now every nobody can record  them on some random music creating software and call it an ‘exclusive leak’ and get the gays hyped up for nothing. 

    when/if anything leaks, it’s not going to be by Darla, or any other wanna be insider. It’s gonna be on degree with no name attached, to avoid repercussions. 

  8. The album Instagram caption, and her general mindset for this album feels very what the whole Lust For Life album trailer did. Talking about how these uncertain times aren’t new, and every generation faces its own problems that we have to overcome 


    imagine it


    We’re getting a cohesive Lust For Life, so thought out she can even include Yosemite :defeated::defeated:


    She’s giving us the gloom, and the music for us to overcome it 

  9. 5 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Yes, I also noticed that too!  I really think it’s clear now that the “chemtrails” represent the turmoil she’s talked about in interviews (to Annie Mac she said she doesn’t find it hard to be good in the midst of all the bad) and in the IG caption when she put up the album cover (“there’s always turmoil and upheaval and in the midst of it - there’s always beautiful music”). It’s so cool to see how she’s going to address these anxieties that loom over and linger throughout our lives and the work we put into it to push through. I’m seriously so excited!  

    The way you’re absolutely right :defeated::defeated:


    it feels like a more powerful expression of the mindset she had during 2016/2017 (when the world was at war before, we just kept dancing) and she really progressed on that in The Greatest, focusing in on the turmoil, and now we have a whole album full of it. 

    She used a word, I can’t remember what it was, and said that she’s always seen the crashing of the world. She said she’s hyper aware of what’s happening 

    I’m so excited!!

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