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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 5 minutes ago, Lustrouslines said:

    i feel as though that this entire era holds either a make it or break it moment for the fans. this is always said but i smell a long hiatus after this and most people not being active on here anymore but who knows... we’ve said this before i feel after NFR and here we still are. crazy enough to believe that NFR was actually nominated for album of the year. also, i predict that she’s leaving jack after this album and working with someone closer to home.

    i highly doubt she is going on any kind of break..


    she’s recorded 2 cover albums, told us in the livestream in November “I’m still recording” and mentioned again in an interview that she’s still recording..


    I definitely think she isn’t going to work with Jack for the next album, but she’s definitely not feeling a break. She isn’t going to take a break while her current sound is being left at ‘tbd’

  2. 1 minute ago, PARADIXO said:


    LOL, not exactly directed to you, but why does everyone have some kind of Mandela effect on the Honeymoon era? Those few months were full of meltdowns.


    First the title track, lots of people hated it.

    Everyone was trashing her hair, outfits and body.

    Then High by the Beach, 50% loved it, 50% were like "Omg she sold out! A trap song? Not on my watch!"

    Then the incredibly meltdown-inducing artwork that nobody liked.

    Music to Watch Boys To was the only moment we stood together.

    And finally the album came out and many were in doubt, others were "unstanning" and others loved it.

    It’s the rose tinted glasses 


    not to mention how many people absolutely despised that she was “going back to the BTD sound” after UV


    UV had the best rollout with the fewest meltdowns as far as I remember, but no matter what she does people aren’t going to be 100% happy 


    And everyone is saying the hype is dead but the second she posts a release date for White Dress all will be forgiven and we’ll be at peace again

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lentilus said:

    Lana being uneasy with this album release only means it's gonna be one of her best. :gurl: Or a Jack Antonoff mess with a bunch of French horn sounds.:sadcore6:

    it’ll be her best, I feel it!! I love that she’s not happy and unsure about it, she’s always at her best when she’s unsure. 

    And I’m almost positive her and Zach have started working in the next album and that might be why she isn’t so sure about this one, it wasn’t exactly what she wants, and now she’s exploring different sounds so this might be her ‘in between’ album

  4. 3 minutes ago, 99centlips said:


    doesn't take away her deafening silence for the other two singles...

    she quite literally didn't even acknowledge LMYL until it was released for a few hours. It's ridiculous IMO.  You're free to have your own opinion :)

    No I get it, we need an in between!


    The not mentioning LMLYLAW until 4PM after almost a whole day out was annoying/weird but she did hype up title track. She also has posted about White Dress..I’m sure she wants to say more but doesn’t want to announce something just for things to change and get backlash for lying..

  5. 4 minutes ago, 99centlips said:

    Will we ever have a normal single release with a date and an announcement ever again? While the sleuthing and stuff is fun....It feels a little ridiculous she can't post if and when it's coming. 

    we just had one...title track had an announcement, a snippet, and came out when it said it would :scoff:


    It probably was supposed to come out Friday and things happened behind the scenes and now it’s not..it would have been nice to be told anything, but nobody ever said it was coming the 26th

  6. 3 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:

    As it is the longest song on the album (5:33), what kind of structure are you guys expecting? It'll probably be her regular pop structure + an intro, an outro and some kind of post-chorus imo

    I’m hoping for an explosive bridge!! LMLYLAW and COTCC have both been teases, and I’m sure she still has powerful bridges inside of her ready to pop out!


    I think there’ll be a quick little intro, two verses, two choruses (the second being a little different than the first) a bridge, then another chorus/maybe an outro.


    if there is an outro I want a MAC style outro and not a Cinnamon Girl outro 

  7. 8 minutes ago, snake said:

    it weirdly plays on Apple Music, like the song doesn't start, but it doesn't immediately skip off the track when U hit play and no others do that(hopefully not just my phone). I believe its coming delulu's!:party:

    when I try to play it it says “not available in your region” and when I play the album, it skips right over it like it does all the other unreleased songs :noparty:

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dominikx4 said:



    i suppose its only listed in countries where its already friday, the link leads to the phillipine apple music

    Oh wow there it is :defeated::defeated:



    is it possible it was planned to be added awhile ago?? I don’t get why they’d add an unavailable song to the playlist :defeated:

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