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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 1 minute ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I feel for you, sweetie!! Feeling the same!

    with her, the least I expect, the better I am. Love her to death but her planning is so hectic all the time, even when everything seems « planned »

    I completely agree!! I really think a lot goes on behind the scene that she has absolutely no control over. We saw in the livestream in November how upset she was over the March release date..I think if it was up to her she’d be a lot more open about her plans, but she can’t because (as we saw album preorder day) no matter what the plans are, they can change in a matter of hours 

  2. February 26th made sense with a March 5th release. At this point is guaranteed to be out March 12th! Let’s not forget we got the Feb 26th date when March 5th was still the release date. 

    we need to not get hyped over random websites giving random dates away and just listen to Lana. She obviously wasn’t planning to release the song tomorrow. Before you all come at me with the ‘bUt LmLyLaW ’ that was a promo single. This is a single single with a video and a goal of building hype. 

    I curse the day she said ‘surprise release’ because now everyone holds on to delusion under the guise of ‘but she could still surprise release it!!!!!’


    she isn’t surprise releasing. A song meant to build up album hype is going to be announced. The GP had no idea there was any speculation over a feb 26th date, nobody uttered the word Feb 26th.


    I know I’m annoying with being a downer and cursing dreams but all the disappointment we’re all feeling today is from being in our own little Lanaboards bubble 

  3. 10 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:

    when that itunes website releases white dress in 18 hours and it’s just another google play situation



    If anything leaks, it’ll be from iTunes, not that site. The site just pulls info from iTunes. But it’s very possible tomorrow will come and the website will say “released x hours ago” even though nothing has been released 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    You all are really annoying today. What's the point on being on a discussion board if you are not going to read what other people write but just reproduce the same boring "OMG COWNTDOWN 10 MINUTOS OMGEEZ OH NOES NOTHING HAPPENED ITZ OVA!"-spam for the 101 time this era. :toofloppy:

    We only have one possible "countown", which is 19,5 hours from now. That's what it said on the database. If nothing happens then "it's over" but please stop with those old games.

    no the database they were using was NZ, now that that fell through they’ve switched to US’s database. It’s not coming today/tomorrow and when it does come Lana will tease it and it won’t be a huge mystery/surprise 

  5. Just now, domandapiano said:

    luv your energy but we will have to agree to disagree on that one lol. 
    i wouldn’t call that announcing a rollout plan. Hahahaha. 

    anyways, I’m fine wether or not we get white dress this week, it’s just another instance of us getting hyped for nothing, even tho Lana’s actions perpetuated the hype as well. 

    regardless of anything, we have less than a month till we are all dancing till we die!! 

    It dropped the whole ‘surprise release’ thing because she announced the album plans. I’ll agree it was poorly poorly executed but she was very direct on the plans for the album then (as direct as one could be for an album that hadn’t even been submitted yet)


    I don’t see the 26th as some huge disappointment, because this is a lnk.to situation all over again. She never said “white dress out the 26th!” Her crazy (but awesome) fans are INSANE and search every corner of the internet for a crumb of detail and get their hopes up based on that. 

  6. Just now, domandapiano said:

    To be fair she did NOT explain the rollout plan in the September 1st video. She did a whole lot of not explaining anything at all in that video. Lol 

    she didn’t explain it in huge detail, but she did. 


    ”before you see this, you’ll hear Let Me Love You Like A Woman”


    so she announced the title track video, the pre single, and the rollout plan


  7. 3 minutes ago, Lentilus said:

    Waiting for WD brings me back to the days we were counting down to the release of the album back in September 5th! We did NOT know the wait we were gonna get. :oprah:

    its very similar because everyone was like “she said September 5th and she hasn’t said anything else yet so it has to be September 5th!!!!”


    Then she posted that Instagram video September 1st announcing the rollout plan and people still thought it would be September 5th 


    and let’s not forget August when every Friday she was finally going to post the preorder 



    And I was so team COCCTOBER I didn’t expect a 2021 release 


    a clown. I was a whole clown 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Contemplating God said:

    If she didn't tease White Dress three weeks ago, i'm sure that I wouldn't care that much. But if she teased on February 8th it just for a March 12th release, it really is super annoying. 

    she teased title track September 1st and then again in October :thumb2:


    she does whatever she wants whenever she wants and it’s the kind of energy I wish I had

  9. 2 minutes ago, Contemplating God said:

    Venice Bitch, Mariners and Hope lowkey got me through it. I just need that last song (White Dress) to get me through the next weeks :angie:

    It’s such a sticky situation because with NFR we had 6 songs before the album came out and the entire album teased in one form of another and with COTCC we only have 2 songs, 1 snippet, and absolutely no idea how any other song sounds


    i would like to have White Dress, but I’m still just vibing with what we have 

  10. I can’t at y’all saying this is the worst pre-release when NFR had album songs out a year before the album dropped with video footage that didn’t come out until over 2 years later :oprah2:


    I think there will definitely be an album trailer in March, she’s never not had one. Maybe March will be the month where we get White Dress first week, TJF second week, album third week. 

    I’m team realistic but I still have hope!!

  11. 5 minutes ago, Aphrodite said:

    You're right in my opinion! Being realistic sometimes is the best thing:oprah3:

    worst case scenario I kill all the hype, and she does drop the song tomorrow/Friday and I’m proven wrong! Which I’ll gladly take!! I just don’t like the vibe that occurs once something we think is going to happen, doesn’t happen. 


    Eclipse said he’d tell us once he got confirmation and he hasn’t said anything yet soooo :poordat:

  12. I’m sorry!!! I’m just very team realistic and I don’t like how angry everyone gets once things don’t go how we want :poordat::poordat:

    I’m not saying what I’m saying is 100% possible, I just use previous patterns and how she seems to handle things as a guide.. February 26th made perfect sense of the album was coming out next week, but with the very last minute push back, it makes more sense to keep the single for the week before to build up on the hype 


    But it could go both ways since she ‘surprise released’ LMLYLW, but she was very vocal of when we could expect title track video and preorder and with her already teasing the White Dress video I don’t see her just randomly dropping it. And if it comes with a video, I definitely don’t think it’s gonna to be a midnight release.. it’s going to be more title track where it releases at a set time. I just really don’t think she’s going to leave us in the dark but just a game



  13. I dreamed about White Dress and it was beautiful and the melody was fantastic but I already forget how it goes :crying4:


    I’m still not on team Delulu and I don’t think it’s coming out Friday, but we’ll know by tomorrow for sure! I just don’t see something as big as her second ‘big’ single being released like LMLYAW. I think there will be an announcement and hype leading up to it. 

  14. According to Apple, I’ve listened to title track 64 times :smokes: which seems a little low to me, but I’m sure with practice I’ll be able to raise that number 


    I can’t wait for my top 11 tracks of 2021 to be COTCC :smokes2:


    I can’t believe how close we truly are! I know someone posts a countdown 5 times a day, but we really are in the final run now! Only 5 days in February, and then were in COTCC month 

  15. 2 minutes ago, domandapiano said:

    I’ve asked this before and my answer was probably lost in the shuffle but since it’s dead and everyone is bored I might as well get my answer now, lol


    has eclipse heard the record or just the singles? 

    also I’m now at work and Lana generally likes to post things in the evening when I’m at work to help get me through an abysmally slow shift, so announcement coming in the next few hours sweeties :kiss2:

    last he told us, he only heard the singles 


    but the other day he told us the lyrics to TJF aren’t “don’t be afraid of our love” 


    so he’s either heard more the record, or he at least has gotten submitted lyrics 

  16. 31 minutes ago, Carmen Del Rey said:

    I personally don't believe the vinyl delay reason but I'm not calling her a liar, who really knows

    Me thinks it was delayed due to last minute decisions, being indecisive with adding/deleting songs/changing the tracklist.

    Didn't a few songs not make it?

    Yeah I'm blaming it on that

    I think there may have been a delay (assuming she did submit it end of October/around her livestream) that caused the ultimate March release date..we probably could have had the album January/February if there wasn’t a hold up


    but I’m still so amazed that she took that long to submit the songs. When she did the book signing in October she said December/January, but also hadn’t submitted the album yet.

    I really think she was just holding out on hope that Jack would become available and she could transform the songs and the sound she wanted 


    Also still not over you all crapping allllll over the girl who talked about her poop on Instagram when she told us the album wasn’t coming anytime soon 

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