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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I’m pretty sure she meant not to get her autograph tattoo’d there’s multiple videos of people either saying they were going to get her signature tattoo’d or showing her they did get her signature tattoo’d and that’s what seemed to be the issue for her I don’t recall her ever saying anything negative about her tattoos
  2. I love how the pages show some stains, and crinkles on the corner, and the letters having obvious water stains, it just makes the whole book feel not so mainstream and prim and proper, it feels very Lana I also love that there a couple poems that she wrote notes all over and changed, and the next page is the ‘final’ version I can’t get over how beautiful this whole project is
  3. My copy just arrived via amazon and I LOVE it! It feels so personal and like I’m getting notes from an old friend..I can’t wait to dive deep into it tomorrow I’m so excited the day is finally here and I’m actually physically holding the book she’s been so excited about for 2 years now!! truly feels surreal, this is just as good as getting an album from her (possibly better, I’ve always been a reader and I feel this has a deeper level than her music (not that her music isn’t deep and extremely personal!))
  4. her friend, or her sister’s friend, or something like that I woke up to like 10 pages and thought something happened so I was just glancing the posts I also feel like we should be getting some news around then too, if not then I don’t even wanna think about when we’ll actually get the album
  5. They’ve been dating for like a month now and this is the first time he’s posted about her right? And to defend him, she posted him on her story first soo
  6. I get it’s frustrating but idk what ya’ll were expecting, we knew it was gonna be a rerun through and through, but if her friend says the album isn’t coming out soon, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we don't get it until 2021
  7. We’ve been getting at least bi-weekly at this point...the latest was just today 3rd (or 4th) times the charm right?? that witch needs to post something, ever since our false hope for the BBC lounge yesterday, it hit me how little news we’ve gotten at all that aside, I’m still happily team delulu....I mean team cocctober I loved the snippets, but as a whole the song just feels...off
  8. Wow I leave for an hour and come back to 11 new pages, I JUMPED aaaaaand I’m glad I missed it I wouldn’t get hopeful that this means something is coming, it’s been happening a LOT lately
  9. I completely agree!! Since September was their goal and they didn’t hit it, the album is just being pushed back a little
  10. I’m always team delusional at first, right when things ‘start’ to happen, and then I calm down to team realistic, maybe I should join carefully optimistic and stay a happy middle level
  11. ALSO lets not forget BBC was playing her last week! They were getting the audience ready for Lizzy
  12. oooh yes!! Wouldn’t be the first time!! (She debuted UV live!!) October is really about to be kicked into HIGH GEAR
  13. So are we thinking “Lana’s new album, out soon!” ”Lana’s new album, out xxx” or ”Lana’s new poetry book, out tomorrow!”
  14. Is this gonna be live or prerecorded? I can’t really see her being up and performing at 4AM her local time on the plus side, that’s 7AM for me so I’ll be waking up on Monday to Lanaboards in chaos already can’t wait to wake up, try and see what happened, and the whole site be unresponsive I’m going to be #TeamIntetween poetry and a music Byron DID mention music in the comment he liked (assuming he didn’t mean the song that came out yesterday) maybe he was recording it and thought it would come out Tuesday??
  15. Not Lana Del Ray I’m super exited about the poetry so I wouldn’t be mad if it is completely poetry related, but I’m not gonna lie I’ll be slightly disappointed if it’s only poetry, even if she talks about the album that’ll be enough I mean, it’s a radio station so I think it would be odd to be all poetry surprise release of LMLYLAW Sunday we WON
  16. Well they did ask how it ties to the poetry (not that she had an answer for them, Violet connects with Norman more than COTCC as far as we can tell so far) and they did say the album is out in this fall, so it should be out before December
  17. I commented this on the Violet thread, but I’m very surprised she didn’t connect Violet to NFR, with what we have so far, it seems those two connect more than Violet and COTCC
  18. I love this!!! im surprised she didn’t take the chance to mention that Violets more closely relates to NFR (At least that how it seems with what we have so far)
  19. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I’m mad she ‘fixed’ her Instagram trio of posts with just the single cover..I get it..but I was hoping for a third, glam post
  20. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    it just came out today, this is early for her standards she looks so good! I wonder if this was just a casual makeup look for today or if what she was doing yesterday is spilling into today
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