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Everything posted by LanaBalkana

  1. She could be working for Spotify Poland edit: okay there’s no Spotify office in PL
  2. I’m actually glad that the first one I tried was grandfather. I stopped it after 5 seconds because it was unbearable. It made me realise that I would just ruin my experience listening to the leaks
  3. An annoying one. I’ve been nagging on my gf’s head non-stop about it all lmao. At least she’s a fan too
  4. And yet people are still willing to download some unknown zip files, like wtf guys pls.
  5. I’d die to see her call herself Elisaveta Grantova and here people are moaning about this shit
  6. Yet another white person talking as if they have a clue lmao also I’m not a native English or Spanish speaker but her speech at Billboard sounds completely normal to me. Correct me if I’m wrong
  7. I like how everyone who has heard the full album has very different opinions about the best songs but everyone agrees that the interludes are horrendous I can definitely see people making thirst traps on peppers but then again I haven’t heard it
  8. This is crazy to think about tbf. Three very long singles and we will still have an hour of unheard material
  9. Same, these girls are fire. They transformed LMLYLAW from a snoozefest to an emotional song
  10. I haven’t heard the song but just read the lyrics for the first time and I think the family theme is approached in a different way than her previous family stuff. On BB she was literally describing everyday with her fam. Simply because songs have a theme about family doesn’t mean that they are the same. Family is one of the few big themes in art throughout history alongside life, death, faith, war and love. So that’s basically hearing “West Coast” and then “Cinnamon Girl” and being like “well we’ve talked about it a million times already”. Edit: English hates me and I hate it too
  11. Are we sure the surprise is not reworked unrleased? That would fit with both what Boz and Kintsugi spilled? Whether that’s new music or not is really a matter of perspective. I can see why Kintsugi would consider this new music while boz will call it “not a new music project”. Also Boz said that she finally did something nice for her fans, which such a collection would definitely be
  12. So again when someone asks them who the insider is, they’ll just reply “LanaBoards” lmaooo
  13. Did twitter make it up again or? If this is real then I can see why BoZ would be super excited
  14. To be fair I am sadder about the fact that once the album drops, it won’t have the same feel of joint excitement as X% of people would have already heard like half of it
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