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Vanilla Icy

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Everything posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. lana del rey died with honeymoon, she sang her swan song and lust for life was her manifesto, she moved out of the black (lana) into the blue (elizabeth) .. she was born to die
  2. i think rick only worked on one or two songs on born to die and those were just writing credits
  3. chemtrails over the country club is lana's most evocative title, it conjures up a scene, a place, a posture; looking up to the sky while inside a luxurious building, its not only timely but also feels intimate, within the inside of lana's (privileged) point of view (hence its a country club, not an apartment in the bronx)
  4. This! if anyone that wasn't marina made this album none of you would like it
  5. i love that background music for her i hope her album kinda sounds like that
  6. the fact that this may not even be the worst of it... she’s unpredictable at this point
  7. im actually so worried for lana like look at the type of person she has been her whole career shes totally the type of person to pull some kurt cobain shit
  8. people are actually praising her and thinking this is some sort of bad bitch behavior she is clearly losing her mind this is way out of character even for lana...
  9. is lana actually trying the get everyone to hate her including her cult following like i wouldnt put it past her
  10. she just wants to keep her following ratio skinny
  11. lana cant really play the victim and say feminism doesn't have a place for her when it is literally structured for cis white women nobody actually gives a shit about you being submissive girl
  12. maybe she's borderline or just a hypocrite
  13. the way she's reworded the same message like 5 times but it just gets worse every time
  14. she really thinks the ones making it a race war are trump supporters.. this is sending me
  15. this all feels so surreal i remember nobody was over ultraviolence once she had announced music to watch boys to
  16. same i dont want a single then she makes us wait 1 year to get the rest of the album which would most definitely happen
  17. Vanilla Icy

    Song vs. Song

    playground vs diet mountain dew demo
  18. i have a feeling jack will be the only producer, all the rick songs on nfr were made right after lfl i think before she started working with jack and she just threw them on there because she had them, we know originally nfr was gonna be 11 tracks so she probably added doin time, tnbar and california (song she made with her band) last minute
  19. this album has a lot of cool retro synth pop production but the melodies are awful i must admit her vocals really have changed so much i can only here ally maine
  20. i really hope she goes all out now with her music like please lana don't just say all this then write an album as watered down as nfr i really thought nfr was her saying fuck you to critics saying she only writes about romanticizing abuse and being depressed but it turns out nfr was a social construct of society putting limitations on her art i need something rebellious from her now
  21. LDR7 will be her blackout era this is literally gonna be her most controversial and daring album lyrically she really is fresh out of fucks forever i cant wait
  22. she's gained like over 200k followers and she's been trending number 1 on twitter for hours and btd and nfr are charting again if anything this is just bringing more publicity to her name
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