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Everything posted by DeadSeaOfMercury

  1. Going down a closer rabbit hole again…
  2. I’ve bought the games, Played about 10 minutes of the first, I need to give it a chance. I love the movies - Especially 1 & 2!
  3. Runs to record player, Puts on: It’s showtime! EDIT:
  4. Looks into mirror: @Thunder @Thunder @Thunder runs out of bathroom back into my room, taking the last of the q-tips. Dare I go into the kitchen for I am hungry? ”stomach noises” …
  5. I still haven’t left my room scared shitless @Lindsay Lohan is gonna come after me…
  6. for real… EDIT: Inb4 LanaBoards turns into a war zone of accusations
  7. CALL THE SHOTS! Listen to this to feel power…
  8. Yes. I would buy an album of Lana or Florence belching, And you know what? I’d variant collect it. Yes.
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