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  1. inthezodiac liked a post in a topic by DarlingAmphetamines in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    Kill Me.
    I'm Not Sad Anymore.
    Pretty Pills.
    Run Downtown.
    Angel Face.
    Baby's Got the World.
    Hold My Gun.
  2. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Viva in Tips for trying to meet lana?   
    Bring your daddy with you, she likes them
  3. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think that's a large part of the problem here. Lana didn't explicitly state she was feeling suicidal, yet the Guardian journalist didn't refrain from implying this. The journalist clearly made it seem that Lana felt suicidal from the title of 'I wish I was dead already' - which, really, suggests right from the start that Lana feels suicidal. He implied a view that Lana didn't make completely clear, which is completely unfair.
  4. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think she's lying... I think she didn't realize the impact that statement would have and how certain people would interpret it. Can you imagine the mother of a 15 yo girl who read the letter her daughter wrote before committing suicide? Something like "what's the point of living, if Lana can't be happy, how could I?" and posting this on social media. That would create a mess.
    I believe in freedom of speech, but people have to know the consequences and be able to live with it...
    If she really said that, the paper is not better for publishing it.
    If it was manipulated out of context, I would like to know what Lana mean exactly with "I wish I was dead already" and 
    "I do! I don't want to have to keep doing this. But I am."
    Do what? Make music?
    "Everything. That's just how I feel. If it wasn't that way, then I wouldn't say it. I would be scared if I knew [death] was coming, but …"
    She doesn't clearly mention being suicidal, but most people interpreted it that way.
  5. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I believe more in the journalist than Lana #sorrynotsorry
    I love her but she confirmed she said those things to him but he should have "read between the lines" before writing that article. This is a lame excuse for me. 
  6. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    it's nice to see we're coming into an age where celebrities more openly call out bullshit journalism. 

  7. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    Gonna top all those bitches and tattoo Lana Del Rey on my forehead
  8. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by mauve in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    I'd love to get a risky Lana type tattoo, just a small one saying something like 'Coney Island Queen'. However, I think people have to be SO careful about text, especially if it's someone else's message. Sad and hard to imagine as it is, Lana might very well mean nothing to you in 20 years. Do you really want lyrics on your body about her tough years of degeneration by alcohol -  true, they may be very beautifully written, and I do obsess over her lyrics and write them in books etc., but wouldn't want them on my skin. Also, on somewhere like the side of your hand where the skin can have some of those creases from your palm, it's probably going to stretch and look horrific quickly after. You need to research it so much.
    Also, I'm only 15 and realise that I would regret it. I know people say 'surely you shouldn't regret something that made you happy when you were younger', but if I happened to become a doctor or something, I don't think I'd need the added worry at the age of 35 of having to remove a tattoo saying 'Degenerate Beauty Queen', or to have to hide 'trust no bitch' with thick makeup. I know that sounds really uptight and it's great if you have the guts to get a Lana tattoo, or any tattoo, but I'm just too boring and nervous xD! 
  9. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by stadiumarcadium in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    (I didn't really know where to put this topic, Lana Thoughts or Fan Art but I'll go with this, if it's wrong please tell me or put it somewhere different if possible.) > whoopsie, okay it got moved lol.
    Does any of you have a tattoo that's somehow Lana related or is planning to get one? If yes, which and why? Would you want one? Or do you have other tattoos? I would love to see them!
    I'm considering getting 'Degenerate Beauty Queen' tattooed, already made some sketches of it but I don't know yet where to put it. I have many more Lana related tattoo ideas, there are so many lines I'd love to have on me forever, just have to sketch some more. So far I've got one tattoo, 'Californication' on my neck.
    What about you?
    These are some of my Lana related ideas:



  10. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by uzzunov in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    This video makes me cry. I cry with happiness. The video is glorious. It reflects so much of the way I feel. I love Lana's music. Thank u, Lana for this videoclip :* 
  11. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Creyk in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    What kind of Desperate Housewives mixed with Burning Desire realness
    This is just so great

  12. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Fucked My Way Up To The Top   
    Anthem of our Generation//Living the American Dream

  13. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Gangster Bitch in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    Probably redundant at this point, but i really fail to see the point in Guns & Roses. Like. Even for a filler it's just, why. 
  14. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Create a Tracklist Using One Song's Lyrics!   
    1. Elvis
    2. White Coupe
    3. Slow Molasses
    4. Diamonds (To Adorn Me)
    5. One and Only
    6. The Band Is Swingin'
    7. Hope Is Very Far
    8. Summer Hail
    9. Florida Native
    10. When I Need You Most
  15. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    the amount of daddies in this thread
    daddy daddy Daddy daddy daskjds  DADDAY

    *eternally screaming "daddy"*

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