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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. Oh hell no....I know some of these hookers aren't seriously trying to come for you...I'll throw hands!
  2. So there's still no interesting info huh? Tumble weeds honey. THIS!!!! PLEASE. Bring back that Hawaiian tropic!!
  3. I screamed when I read the 48 minute outro part.
  4. OMG!!! I'm so happy you finally got around to make and post this king!!! I got my favorite. Wild At Heart!!
  5. @DeluluKing....the way these tasteless hookers are killing Yosemite...we won on the first game, the one that matters anyways. WHITE DRESS - 93 CHEMTRAILS OVER THE COUNTRY CLUB - 15 TULSA JESUS FREAK - 35 DARK BUT JUST A GAME - 30 WILD AT HEART - 46 YOSEMITE - 2
  6. I would have named Track 4:Rose's bloom, for you because you're finally dead as you should-cherry blossom
  7. Because Jack reeks of boring minimalistic piano flops. And though I've enjoyed NFR and COCC. We simply do not want the same producer doing the same thing again.
  8. Yooooo, what we're NOT gonna do, is drag @Aphrodites opinion!! Sis made good points and poured their valid emotions. Period!! Well said!!
  9. I can't speak for them, but I definitely dont want more of the same(which is why I don't want her to work with Jack again). NFR and COCC have a different sound.. but Jack's signature is all over both projects, which to me gave me two albums that sounded different, but felt the same to me. Whatever Lana decides to do, I just want her to do it professionally. Unlike the ever changing COCC dates....America standard announcement..etc...
  10. Idk. It's not about missing her precious works though I think. I don't have an actual problem with COCC or NFR, I still enjoy them for being their own. I guess people miss the way Lana approached her work. When she sang "fresh out of fucks forever" she really meant it, it seems. Idk. Just my thoughts on this.
  11. Omg serve!! And bestie!!! You've evolved with your new username yet again! I just noticed it was you omglove it!
  12. I'd say 16 if there's some killer trap beats. And 14 if it's innovative.
  13. Let's see if we wake up tomorrow with new info about a homosexual who got stuck in an elevator with Lana for hours and during that time he only asks about how her cats are doing.
  14. the way we were dragged....and now the jackhategate is trendy....
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