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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. I hope whatever he chooses to do, she does it with utter perfection. If she pisses off the pc warriors with a hip hop album, so fucking be it! I'll stan even harder just for the troll. Those people need to chill.
  2. Honestly, it sometimes just takes time to appreciate certain songs/styles of music. I'm happy I've always been naturally flowing with Lana's stylistic changes. To those who don't stan chemtrails. I'm sure it;'ll come around.
  3. I mean, Lana's in her mid 30's, the teenagers don't get that BTD came out a decade ago. I'm not saying they can't relate to Chemtrails. But Chemtrails is literally an album about Lana understanding that she is no longer in her early youth days. Teenagers can rant, but they simply won't fully understand the material until later in life.
  4. This thread outsold the COCC post release thread QUICK!
  5. Rock Candy Sweet is gonna be a bunny type of album.
  6. Boom like that/Boom Like That/Boom Like that. It's not on the album, but delulu mind lives on, you know? Not All Who Wander Are Lost/Wild at Heart/White Dress
  7. AHHHHHHH OMG YES! exactly that type of diva kween shit! Midway she's saying her line, she figures out it would fit best as a lyric for RCS and she just steps off the set to go quickly record a melody on her phone.
  8. Period! See what I mean...she became to annoying to work with. I just KNOW sis goes off her script whenever she wants.
  9. Oh no hate towards Gus he was a treat to look at. But I could not deny his bad acting. Which was fine, seeing as it fit the overall theme of 1984 and cheesy actors.
  10. I forgot who it was, but someone mentioned the pussy willow being this era's flower, and I'm here for it.
  11. True, AHS hired that gay Olympian guy for 1984 season, and he was a terrible actor. They'll hire anybody who can read a script.
  12. omg no! It took me a real long time to take Gaga seriously in acting. Lana's too wild at heart for acting, she'd probably go off script, improvising a lot, and the director would get all pissy and later reveal to a magazine that she was terrible to work with.
  13. Wait what? What are we talking about? Lana acting? pls no.
  14. OMFG REALLY?? Iconic!! "Meshmask-apologist? Reckless driving defender" It was probably for all of these! Glad I made it out of your ignore list! Banned for taking me off of your ignore list?
  15. Banned for not firing @PARADIXO
  16. Manifesting RCS being a 16 track rock/trap beat album.
  17. Banned for merging the COCC pre-release with the random thread.
  18. THE WAY YOU SNAPPED SIS!!!!! You didn't have to snap so hard but you DID AND ?IM ?HERE? FOR? IT! ? Also, love your new pfp
  19. YESSSSS JACK HATE GATE IS BACK! I LIVE!!! Period! #LustForLiveSupremacy
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