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Everything posted by CinnamonGay

  1. Lana is going to get a Top 10 again with SOTB I'm thinking Taylor redid it because she wants to submit it for Best Pop Duo at the Grammys... she can't submit the original with <10% Lana.
  2. New dancers new backup vocalists. She's coming to serve. 3 days to go for the first concert of this era. ...
  3. That's low?? Iirc DT/ Love did way less numbers but debuted at 59 and 44 respectively.
  4. Yes to Heaven's success will definitely push her label to release QoD/SK/JG.
  5. Imo her songwriting has only gotten better post LFL. Agreed, she needs to incorporate more chest voice in her newer songs- and she did it with OB. We just need more of it. Enough with the high siren vocals.
  6. It's not due to a change in her lyricism. It's because she barely promotes her albums anymore. OB had the potential with TT x VB/A&W/LTLI to chart in BB hot 100 if done right. She went on 1 radio show and spoke about the album. No one apart from stans read the magazine interviews anymore. She needs a team to handle her old socials while she uses HM as a private acc. No post about SYTH either. maybe it's time for Ben to interfere again like he did with NFR album cover
  7. Byron posted a story of going on a jog. Omg these are such a slay
  8. What is that new Billboard article calling Lana as "alt pop princess" Who's the queen???
  9. Ben said "this album has a lot of legs to carry us through the year" And remember Ed teased "album campaign". I wonder what they have in store for us .
  10. Very amazing for a Sunday actually. Just a 500k drop. It's gonna rise on Monday for sure. It's coming for top 30 BB200 I think
  11. I find her pre lfl instrumentals very one toned, same soundscapey.
  12. But you're wrong. The average listener won't be able to notice the difference between the SYTH demo and the released version. People start realizing it when stans like you blow it out of proportion, spamming every Lana tweet about the different versions and commenting stuff like "BOMBED". You were super critical of OB sales and you predicted it won't even get a 100k debut bla bla bla. And then you were proved wrong. The same will happen with SYTH with a top 5 UK debut and Billboard 200 Top 40
  13. She needs to get her hair styled right for the shows. Nfr tour hair was messy af and her recent Margaret performance too. I wish she brings the Outside Lands 2016 festival energy .
  14. A&W dropped almost 1m on its 2nd day which was Wednesday. 1m drop on the weekend is not that bad. Btd dropped 800k last weekend
  15. It's a Saturday update calm down guys. Lana always loses streams during the weekends.
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