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Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus

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Everything posted by Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus

  1. Reading your comments has hyped me up big time about the book. I'm in Italy so I will probably have to wait a while before my order arrives but still... Looking forward to the photos and the poems.
  2. I missed this bit. Who said the album isn't coming out soon?
  3. guys you need to stop drinking they never said any of that?
  4. shit I thought Italian radio was crap but what the hell is this crap my ears are bleeding
  5. I knew that but I was expecting like a phone call after the performance re-run or something - wtf is this even for?
  6. I promise if this is a re-run of the interview from last year it's the dumbest shit I've had to put up with so far
  7. can't believe it still says Lana Del Ray fuck me the bitch has been around for A DECADE literally how hard can it be to do some actual research on an international fucking radio what? smh
  8. Wow one can truly appreciate how far and deep Lana's influence on music goes when a troll stan of another, less relevant, artist takes the time out of their day to create an account on a Lana fandom page just to vent their frustration trying to look relevant. I mean, it is not only incredibly pathetic, but the action itself shows nothing more than how secondary that artist is. They think they're promoting their fave but what they are really doing is showing that their fave exists in opposition to Lana, not on their own. Pathetic.
  9. nah disagree, I had never heard of him before so I gave his songs a listen and it's just meh I don't know, not interesting, already been done a dozen times before. I guess this is one of Lana's multitudes that I can happily live without lol
  10. not disrespecting the Weeknd but Lust For Life and Prisoner are ugly af sorry
  11. Honestly, her choices of collabs are... well, a choice. The few decent collabs she's ever done for me are Riverside and Tomorrow Never Came. But ugh, the Weeknd, Ariana, that ugly sh*t with Borns, this guy now, please send help
  12. OK I'm here on behalf of the buzzkill police department and sirs let me kill the buzz right here right now I rarely ever talk bs about Lana because I love her so much and ok she did some charity with that collab but honest is there anything duller than boring mainstream poppish songs with explicit drugs references? Like ugh trying way too hard to look alt and no one's buying that except basic 12 year olds - the cringe I - Lana needs to stop the collab business unless it's with people who can actually bring something to the table because this bs ain't cutting it.
  13. queen of filming herself driving with one leg up on the dashboard but still wearing a belt - she does contain multitudes lol
  14. I genuinely think Lana has made it her mission to fuck with the critics and haters at this point. If there are actual mental health issues involved here then I apologise but even if there were, she has still been able to work through them and come up with this brilliant mockery I mean the critics will have no ground to stand on, whatever they say now will literally turn against them because Lana herself made fun of it, this is a work of genius people are NOT ready for this conversation
  15. I swear this was WILD - Even the choice of the poem and what she says and how: "You thought I was rich and I AM." .......... "but not how you think....FUCK, THINK! I live in a Tudor House in Mar Vista by the sea!" LOL I'M howling There are so many parts where you can tell she bursts out laughing at the questions, Jesus we are witnessing genius I'm telling y'all, all these critics WILL TAKE THE BAIT LOL THE HAVOC THIS IS GOING TO BRING ABOUT I CAN'T EVEN
  16. OMG the video is totally hilarious she is totally taking the piss out of the critics she is fully committed to bringing chaos this era omg she is literally playing an over the top version of Lana depicted by her detractors as fake she knows she will be torn to pieces she is literally setting them all up I AM OUT OF MY OWN FUCKING MIND LOOOL This is THE BEST I can't stop laughing
  17. I agree with LFL being either March or April Not sure about AKA being a December record though , but she should definitely take Gramma off and re-release it because it’s such a cool album. Also I’m not sure where Paradise belongs?
  18. You know just to take our collective minds off of cocc for a minute I was wondering if you too guys associate Lana’s records with particular months of the year rather than seasons? For me COCC is shaping up to be her October record, full blown Autumn shit. - BTD is June, beginning of summer, lots of bangers, mild nostalgia, living wild. - UV is somewhere around January, cold, grey and angry. - HM is July/August, total summer ethereal oblivion - LFL (a mistake) - NFR definitely September, end of summer but still close enough to reminiscent what do you guys think?
  19. wait so Mariah Carey is releasing an audio book soon? There you go Lana setting the trend once again for others to copy. Next up : - Taylor Swift : Sunflowers Curved Upwards To The Sun - Lorde : Lilies Blowing Sideways In The Wind - Billie Eyelash : Roses Dangling Upside Down From The Ceiling
  20. So, question for the culture. Has anyone tried feeling on your neck which way the wind was going? Or picture the floor rising up to support you and sink in to back of the bed that’s behind you? Or close your eyes and feel where you hold your attention if it’s in the back of your eyes walk it down to your heart centre? I know I have and also I could listen to the instrumental to Quiet Waiter for always. The swooping Hawaiian guitar riff is just ohh *chef’s kiss*
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