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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. Rock candy sweet being her evermore WE LOVE TO SEE IT START THE COUNTDOWN
  2. im excited because only lana could make country good and also because she said that video games and ride are considered country songs to her
  3. Rust Dress

    Charli XCX

    that interviewer wtf i feel so bad
  4. SO PRETTTYYYY https://www.instagram.com/p/CMn04b-BPy9/?igshid=raufjctamfog but the caption makes me sad
  5. omg so say yes to heaven posted album tracks that have similarities with unreleased tracks and i just realized that some of bird world’s lyrics were reworked into dark but just game. bird world: “you keep changing all the time. you’ve lost your goddamn mind” dbjag: “we keep changing all the time. the best ones lost their minds”
  6. new teaser for white dress it's the serve https://www.instagram.com/p/CMloYP5ngcT/
  7. HGSHZBAHA this deserves a placw in no context lanaboards
  8. the website hasn't crashed for me yet
  9. gays on twitter calling the ldr rose cap a maga hat
  10. omg i hope it does! how does that even happen..
  11. im so glad for the wait now tbh. like the virtual popup shop is so amazing but also.. wild at heart next single confirmed?
  12. @electra @Dominikx4 WAKE UP
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